Apr. 2024

Dear Friends,

Two weeks before Easter, an invitation was extended to speak at a four-day gathering of three villages. Young people and adults filled the church pews with over sixty school age children sitting in front on the cement floor of the church. For this special occasion the church was decorated with extra flowers and hanging palm fronds, for the music they had also borrowed some instruments and an amplifier.


Preparing seven sermons centering on the death and resurrection of Christ in two weeks required much supernatural help! Yet it was a poignant reminder to me that the pastors in remote villages have little access to the resources that I do. No computer with a dozen or more Bible translations, commentaries, books, or the internet for study. Even Apostle Paul had some things he liked to use for his study. 2 Tim 4:13 When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments. Churches in the large cities of Papua New Guinea have ordained pastors who have been trained at seminaries or Bible Schools. However, in small villages this is not the case. A large number of pastors or church workers have little or no formal training. A small village church cannot financially support their pastor much less a library of books; often the wife of a pastor supports the family with her hard work gardening, fishing, or selling market goods.

在兩周內準備七篇以基督的死亡和復活為中心的講道,需要許多來自神的幫助!然而,這給我一個當頭棒喝的提醒,偏遠村莊的牧師幾乎無法獲得我所擁有的資源。他們沒有裝載十幾本或更多的聖經譯本、註釋、書籍的電腦或互聯網供學習。甚至使徒保羅也有一些他喜歡用來學習的東西。2 提摩太后書 4:13 你來的時候,要把我留在特羅亞的卡普斯的斗篷、書本,尤其是羊皮紙拿來。新幾內亞大城市的教會有在神學院或聖經學校接受過培訓的牧師任職。然而,在小村莊,情況並非如此。許多牧師或教會工作人員很少或根本沒有接受過正規培訓。一個小小的鄉村教會無法在經濟上支持他們的牧師,更不用說圖書館的書籍了。通常,牧師的妻子通過耕種、捕魚或銷售市場商品的辛勤工作來養家糊口。 

Considering these critical needs of pastors, PIM has provided courses in Ambunti for a growing number of participants. This April, the largest yet, had ninety-five pastors and church workers who filled every table in the training center.  Ray Wangimbi (our PIM church department coordinator -see picture below) Rev. Melvin Dotinga, Pastor Festus Lakir, Issachar Meikwar, Alan DeYoung and Rev. Eric Schering taught on subject matter including church history and creeds, fruit of the Spirit, Christlike leadership, time use and management, a study of I John, and a Bible timeline study. Attendees received PIM published books, printed handouts, commentaries, and some even received a pair of reading glasses from PIM.
考慮到牧師的這些不可或卻的需求,PIM在安布恩提為牧師們提供了課程,這課程的參與者越來越多。今年4月是迄今為止規模最大的一次,有95名牧師和教會同工,他們坐滿了培訓中心的每一張桌子。 Ray Wangimbi(我們的PIM教會部門協調員-見下圖)梅爾文·多廷加牧師、費斯圖斯·拉基爾牧師、以薩查爾·梅克瓦爾、艾倫·德揚和艾瑞克·謝林牧師教授的主題包括教會歷史和信條、聖靈的果子、基督般的領導、時間的使用和管理、約翰一書的研究以及聖經時間線的研究。與會者受贈PIM出版的書籍、印刷的講義、評論,有些人甚至收到了PIM送出的一副老花鏡。



The following week there was a second pastors training course by PIM at Brugam Bible School fifty miles north of Ambunti. Thirty-five students currently training at the school were joined by 124 pastors and church workers from two different provinces. The four presenters who went covered much of the same teaching as the week before at Ambunti. Pastors at both locations greatly appreciated the courses, the resources, teaching they received, and being able to fellowship with other pastors.  Lastly almost of the pastors at both locations upgraded their Bibles and took advantage of getting two new Melanesian Tok Pisin Bibles for a heavily subsidized price.
接下來的一周,PIM在安布恩提以北50英里的布魯甘聖經學校舉辦了第二期牧師培訓課程。目前在聖經學校接受培訓的35名學生與來自兩個不同省份的124名牧師和教會工作人員一起參加了培訓。四位演講者涵蓋了與前一周在安布恩提相同的教學內容。這兩個地方的牧師都非常喜愛課程、資源、他們所接受的教導,以及能夠與其他牧師互相交流。 最後,幾乎這兩個地點參訓的所有牧師都獲贈新聖經,並以極優惠補貼的價格購買了兩本新的美拉尼西亞濱涇語聖經。

2 Timothy 4:2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
提摩太後書 4:2你要傳福音,無論得時不得時,總要堅持;要以極大的耐心和各樣的教導責備人、告誡人、鼓勵人,

Thank you for your support of Pacific Island Ministries

 Douglas Heidema

PO Box 1765,  Grass Valley, CA  95945 

https://www.piministries.com/index.html office@piministries.com