Who Are Certified Athletic Trainers?

A Letter to Parents and Guardians...

Dear Parent/ Guardian of William S. Hart Union High School Student-Athletes,

Unless you have been involved in organized athletics at the high school, college, or professional level you may not know what an athletic trainer is. When many people hear the word “trainer” they think of personal trainers at their health club. You can think of athletic trainers as the “unknown health care providers” of sports medicine. “Athletic trainers” are allied health care professionals specifically trained to manage athletic injuries.

The purpose for developing this website is to acquaint you with athletic trainers, Athletic Training Facility policies and services, and to encourage your participation in our Sports Medicine Team. There are many people who are involved with the care of student-athletes. The sports medicine team consists of the athletic trainer, our team physicians, coaches, sports medicine students, the student-athlete, and you. Your involvement in your student-athlete’s prevention and treatment of his/her injury is essential to the best possible outcome.

This website contains information on the operation of the community outreach athletic trainers supplied with a partnership between Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital and the William S. Hart Union High School District. Please take a moment to browse through it and acquaint yourself with the procedures and recommendations contained within. I encourage you to speak with your child about injury prevention and what to do in the event an injury occurs. We look forward to working with you and your children. We are available should you have any questions about the Athletic Training program or your child’s injuries. Below you will find additional information and resources on athletic trainers and their role in your child's health and safety during sports participation.


Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Athletic Training Staff

Parent Guide.pdf

Additional Resources and Information