Nutrition and Hydration

Free Community Classes on Nutrition provided by:

Current Class List:

Nutrition and Inflammation

Everyone experiences inflammation at one time or another and we actually need it to survive. But chronic inflammation is a sign that something has gone seriously awry with your health. Many foods in the typical “Western” diet set the stage for inflammation, worsen aches and pains and increase the long-term risk of life-threatening diseases.

In this class you will learn:

  • What is Inflammation Syndrome
  • Dietary causes of inflammation
  • Correcting a diet that is out of balance
  • Steps to fight Inflammation Syndrome
  • Good fats that rev up your body’s natural anti-inflammatories
  • The benefit of supplements

Presented by Kim Brown, BS, RD, CDE

Event Dates

Plant Based Eating for Optimal Health

Are you curious about the research supporting a plant-based diet? Would you like to know how plant based eating helps reduce risk for cancer, heart disease and other diseases? Have you wondered about the environmental impact of continuing to eat animal foods? Join us to learn how to meet your nutritional needs by eating a variety of nutrient dense foods from the plant world. Whole food, plant-based recipes and resources will be explored.

Event Dates

Fueling for Fitness

Are you starting a new fitness program? Have you been working out for a while but can't seem to reach your weight or fitness goals? In this class you will learn: how to fuel for your workouts; how to eat the proper amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat; how to properly recover after workouts; how to lose or gain weight without sacrificing the quality of your workouts; why some of today's fad diets do or do not work.

Event Dates

Nutrition for Endurance

Do you have your training down, but nutrition is the missing link? Are you:

  • Frustrated by low energy?
  • Unable to lose weight?
  • Confused about what to eat for an effective sports diet?

In this class you will learn:

  • What is an effective sports diet
  • How to choose foods that provide energy and promote optimal health benefits
  • How to plan and prepare meals and snacks even with a busy schedule
  • What to eat before, during and after an endurance event
  • How to lose weight and still have energy for performance
  • How to gain weight healthfully

Presented by Kim Brown, BS, RDN, CDE

Event Dates

Additional Resources and Handouts
