Day 8


Today, we joined the students by going to visit their church for Sunday service. Their church is called Abundant Grace Church and is both in English and Thai. The pastor gave his message on magnifying God in our lives in order to produce godly fruit. After service, we headed back to the student center for lunch.

The students finished filming their greetings for the youth at CCIC before we re-recorded the Christmas musical so that it would go smoother.

We practiced more piano and guitar with some of the students afterwards, while others went to work on their greeting cards. We had dinner and then April and Guangli shared their testimonies with the students. During their sharing, it started raining and thundering super hard.

Finally, we stayed to help some students with homework while watching Big Hero 6 to practice their English while others finished up their cards.



下午继续摄制学生们对CCICTV Youth的问候 ,圆满完成!之后我们重新录制了圣诞节音乐剧,并上传到Youtube上。 链接:


晚上的Devotion 时间,April分享了她的见证 “Stepping out of the Comfort Zone”. 原先我们的计划是Devotion后和学生们一起去夜市,但外面忽然打雷闪电下大雨,所以我们临时改变计划,将明晚的分享提前。于是,广立接着分享他的见证 “你一生一世必得安稳”。
