Day 1


On the first day, we were introduced to all 15 students at the House of Grace, a student center in Thailand. We passed out the Christmas greeting cards that the Youth made, and showed the students the greeting videos from each group. They were especially entertained by the Youth's pronunciations of their Thai names. Afterwards, we taught them how to sing the songs "Go Tell it on the Mountain" and "Joy to the World" to prepare for the Christmas musical. We ate dinner with them, and then rehearsed the musical.


第一天,我们在泰国的学生中心House of Grace向所有15名学生介绍了我们自己。我们分发了CCICTV Youth制作的圣诞节贺卡,并向学生们展示了每个小组的问候视频。Youth用学生们的泰国名字发音使他们特别开心。之后,我们教他们如何唱"Go Tell it on the Mountain" 和 "Joy to the World",
