Day 3


On our third day, we ate breakfast in the Karen village and left for another village to visit their local church, which was built recently. After exploring the church and meeting their pastor, we had lunch at a church coworker's house. We drove down the mountain back to the student center. Please pray for mosquito bites :(

At night, we had a Christmas Eve hotpot dinner with all the students before handing out Christmas presents. Missionary Iris also passed out student center presents to each student, and we all took a group photo together.


第三天,被克伦村的公鸡很有乐感的打鸣叫醒。下山后,我们驱车去同工“百威”家所在的另一个克伦村庄拜访。这个村庄离城市很近,生活条件要好得多。我们参观他们最近建造的教堂。新建的教堂比旧的教堂面积大了很多,而且设施齐全。感谢神的供应! 我们还与他们的牧师见了面并一起为当地教会祷告。
