Day 4


Merry Christmas! We began the day by teaching English and Chinese pinyin to the four students who got the day off from school. We taught them how to introduce themselves.

Afterwards, we visited Chiangmai University briefly before heading to meet Elder Li for lunch. We went to the supermarket to buy snacks for the Christmas celebration.

At around 4:30 p.m., we went back to the student center to continue teaching piano to the students who had gotten back from school.

After dinner, everyone began preparing for the Christmas celebration. Students from a different student center also came to visit and sang Christmas carols. The Lahu students from the House of Grace first performed a reading of a Bible verse in three different languages, and wore traditional clothing from their tribe. Afterwards, Karen students sang a song based on John 3:16 in their native language. The students from the other center performed songs and dances while House of Grace students dressed up for the Christmas musical. After we performed the Christmas musical, we ate food and played games, and (quite awkwardly) joined in with some dances. The Thai students played charades and had ice cream.

Merry Christmas goodnight im tired



晚餐后,每个人都开始为圣诞节庆祝做准备。来自其他学生中心的学生也来参观并演唱了圣诞颂歌。恩典之家的孩子们穿着他们部落的传统服装,非常漂亮。她们以三种不同的语言朗读圣经经文,边唱边跳,非常精彩。来自其他中心的学生也表演了歌舞。之后,恩典之家的学生演出了音乐剧“耶稣的诞生”,虽然只在12/22日我们到达那一天排练过1 个小时,但孩子们的演出真是棒极了!所有的服装道具都会留给他们。他们准备今年暑假在山区的英文营再次演出,传播福音!