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(Retirees Suffer as 401(k) Rollovers Enrich Brokers).
“Individuals here so much about "retirement."
The task can be very confusing aside from consuming a great deal of time for even the most astute individual. Most individuals may find the task daunting, aside from deciding on how to fund a lifetime of income.
To simplify the task and to help them throughout the entire process, we complete this task first, by utilizing the "Retirement Expense Form."
To download your “Retirement Expense Form and How We Work” please visit the website link or just click here “Down Load Retirement Expense Form.”
You can also download absolutely free. To download or to read more, just click here for > “The Changing Story about Retirement.”
We welcome your interest and free use to access topics about investment / financial planning about your concerns or interest and we look forward to continually update the website to include revisions about current and future topics that could impact your requirements.
In the interim, if you have any particular interest or concern and would like to receive via our website, please feel free to let us know how we can improve this valuable resource.
You can always contact us to discuss or retrieve any investment / financial planning topic that is time sensitive such as: Tax Facts (On Investments), Employee Benefits, Your 401k, your IRA, Investment Cost Retrieval - (“You’re thinking about investing in a Mutual Fund, An Annuity, and would like to know the cost before making the decision, How to rollover your IRA correctly.
Avoid the scams outlined in the Bloomberg article, click here to read more > (Retirees Suffer as 401(k) Rollovers Enrich Brokers).
Other concerns could also include; Will I have enough personal income from my investments to provide an adequate lifestyle, Why paying commissions and other hidden fee’s should be and will erode your results, your income, What is the fiduciary process relationship and why is it more beneficial than working with a non-fiduciary representative(s), How should I even begin the retirement process before investing my nest-egg (this is vital). When should I begin Social Security, The benefits of being a tax efficient cost effective managed account(s)?
So let us know how to assist you while we extend our advisory website resource to you, without any obligation or solicitation. We do not and will not provide your information to any third party. Your inquiries are always strictly confidential.
The advisory purpose is to provide a website to be educational and informative. To help you make cost-effective, informative decisions and to help you avoid the “Pitfalls,” as outlined in the (Retirees Suffer as 401k Rollovers Enrich Brokers), prior to an g your planning/investment We look forward to you helping you make “Prudent,” decisions, based on realistic, transparent due-diligence about your concerns.
In the interim, visit here > RIA Stands for You, to familiarize yourself with the distinct difference of why you should consider, “working with a Registered Investment Advisor.
I need some additional information or a second opinion, so Mike can you contact me now;
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Contact me now and I can be emailed at; mgreen@tgacapitalmanagement.com
Please include your name, your contact number (telephone) and the best time to have a telephone consultation.
If you could briefly describe your concern, (optional).
Thank you for your time and courtesy and I look forward to be your most personal, accountable, advisory resource.
Michael D. Green, Principal
TGA Capital Management
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This is not a solicitation nor recommendation to buy or sell a securities nor to imply any tax or legal advice, always seek a registered investment advisor to attain your risk/averse attitude and investment suitability before investing. All information is considered accurate and reliable, however, due to changing market, economic, taxation, institutional, and other pertinent potential cycles and variations, future results cannot be guaranteed by past performance and should be monitored on a continual periodic systematic basis to provide current advisory recommendations that meets the client short-term potential deviations and management disciplined style, while advisory provides solely long-term recommendations. Confidentiality Notice. The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be privileged or protected by other rules, including but not limited to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this e-mail by anyone other than the addressee(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to and therefore must not disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or any part of this message.