Contact Us

To report a broken link, suggest a new resource, request a new resource, or provide feedback, please email. Please also email if you are interested in becoming an editor or contributor. For anything else, including emergencies, please see below.


Although stories and experiences from students are welcome, please keep in mind that this email is shared among editor(s) and contributors and any personal information you may choose to share may not be secure or confidential.

We will not share any personal or identifying information on this site or anywhere else without your express permission, unless we receive an email containing information that suggests a student may be suicidal, someone else is in danger, or a child or elderly/disabled individual is being abused.

Such emails will be reported to Student Affairs and/or to the appropriate agency.

In Need of Assistance?

If you or someone you wish to help is experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

CMHC offers a 24/7 crisis line to UT students: 512-471-CALL (2255).

The 24-hour Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL) offers help to UT students with concerns about another student: 512-232-5050.

Remember you may always contact Student Affairs for confidential assistance and/or resources: