The methods and strategies we decided to chose to carry out this project are mainly ones which encourage autonomous work and a sense of responsibility. The teacher will become a guide and children will be the builders of their own knowledge. So as to create aesthetic experiences with which children can consciously learn, activities will be mainly hands-on and children will have plenty of opportunities to experiment with the materials and tools. We will provide them with the tools and some basic instructions but they will be the ones to construct their learning.

Moreover, as with the socio-cognitivist theory by Vygotsky, cooperative learning is regarded as essential, that is why many of the activities take place in groups, we believe that the main requisite so that language learning is effective is communication, and communication among peers is a lot more effective as their bonds are much more real and natural. In addition to that, we believe that the fact that they actually learn from each other, with the language exchange, they will grow stronger bonds that really do have a meaning.

It is no surprise that children learn more effectively when they actually enjoy what they are doing. This may not be easy but letting them choose the topics in some activities and allowing them to experiment makes the experience a lot more significative for them. Also, the fact that there is a real audience to whom their works are addressed adds a sense of responsibility and challenge to the activities.

We wanted to develop our students’ linguistic competence but without forgetting about the importance of a meaningful content. Therefore, after having designed this teaching sequence, we believe it would belong to a Content-Rich language learning class, in which language is learnt through the work on a purposeful content.

Last but not least, we wanted to implement a teaching sequence which evolved around technologies as we know it is an important factor nowadays and it is essential for kids to have a good command on it so as to be efficient and committed citizens in the future. To do so we chose the approach of TEPBLL which uses technology in a purposeful way so as to enrich teaching and learning practices.