Infinite Rundown


  • Tank Drive

  • Open Chassis Intake

  • Indexer

  • Stationary Flywheel Shooter

  • Color Wheel Spinner

  • Hook Climber

Electronic Specs

  • roboRIO I

  • Radio

  • PDP

  • 4 Cim Motors

  • 6 Bag Motor

  • 10 Talon SRX Motor Controllers

  • Lime Light Camera

  • Pigeon IMU

  • Color Sensor

  • USB Camera

Programming Language

  • C++



Eagle Five was used in the 2020 FRC Infinite Recharge season. This robot features a tank drive design for a user friendly driving mechanic. The robot also features a color wheel spinner and color sensor. And as for ball intake we have an open chassi intake with a belt indexer and a fixed flywheel shooter. This robot has seen competitions at Arkansas regional and Bayou regional.

Color Wheel Spinner

The color wheel mechanism contains stacked rubber flywheels with a camera mounted on top for proper driver alignment. Underneath the 3D printed mount for the camera we can find a small color sensor that can detect a variety of shades in many lightings.


This robot features a flywheel shooter with a limelight for angle correction. The limelight allows the program being ran to calculate an error margin and moves the chassi of the robot accordingly. The shooter, limelight, and indexer work together for the autonomous shooting routine where all five power cells can be accurately shot inside of the inner port. using the limelight the software is also able to use trigonometry to calculate the distance and acquire a velocity for the flywheels to shoot at. The shooter also includes adjustable compression rods. These rods are located at the back of the shooter and help give consistent compression to the balls for maximum accuracy and grip.

Intake / Index

This robot features an open chassi design which allows the the balls to be funneled into the robot by roller wheels and straight into the belt index. This index belt system is able to easily hold five power cells.


Our last but not least mechanism is our duel climber system. We have made a mid rear-mounted dual-arm climbing mechanism that can climb with a winch located at the bottom of the climbers and extend with the springs placed inside of the climber. We have incorporated limit switches to tell our motors when the climber has reached the bottom of the robot.