
online teaching/training event held by Finland, Oulu community college

Online training from finland

Minna Hukkanen from Oulu Community College organized a 5-day event to nourish the teachers' excitement of online learning.

4.-8. January 2021 brought teachers from different countries 5 days of online training and analysis of different online teaching environments and devices for engaging content creation. Introduction of learning and teaching environments took place in the first two days.

Different language groups were formed to present the best working environments of their choice. Language teachers created and introduced lessons to illustrate the use of these environments in practice. During these five days several online video conferencing tools were tried out and all teams had the opportunity to look into the pros and cons.

Minna Hukkanen challenged participants to come out of their comfort zone and try out the tools they had not used before. All in all, it was a great learning experience for everyone as teachers and learners.