New Travel Assignment

Receiving an email and a new placement letter from IREX on December 20, 2021, made my Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 so wonderfully memorable! I know how COVID-19 and its new variant continue to shake the world, but Fulbright is committed to placing its fellows in foreign lands it believes most beneficial to both the U.S. and partner countries. We are the first Fulbright TGC fellows to be sent to Canada, and so, I should make the most of my participation in this historic event. Canada is one of the most advanced and developed countries in the world. While I am prepared to share with Canadian educators what I have learned from my Fulbright training on promoting global education, I am optimistic that I would learn even more from them. What a great experience to look forward to this summer!

While preparing to travel to Canada, I find it necessary to be aware of the similarities and differences between the U.S. and Canadian secondary schools. And hearing it from a student's perspective is extremely interesting!

Generally, just how culturally, politically, and geographically different and similar are the U.S. and Canada from each other? It is good to know!