Global Standards

Global Competence Matrices.pdf

AS Global Competence Matrices

A matrix that provides detail about the overall definition of global competence and how it might be demonstrated by students

Educating for Global Competence

Teaching for Global Competence

Global Competence Matrix.pdf

WS Global Competence Matrix

A matrix of qualities, characteristics, and abilities that teachers and students must possess to be globally competent

Framework for Global Competencies.pdf

DE Framework for Global Competencies

A framework for developing global and cultural competencies to advance equity, excellence, and economic competitiveness

P21 Framework.pdf

P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning

K-12 indicators for global readiness that focus on the themes of understanding, investigating, connecting, and integrating

Extended Version

Global Student Learning Outcomes.pdf

GCI Global Student Learning Outcomes

Provides student learning outcomes for global digital exchange