Global Competence & Global Education

Globally competent students have the knowledge and skills to:

Investigate the World

Globally competent students are aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works.

Recognize Perspectives

Globally competent students recognize that they have a particular perspective, and that others may or may not share it.

Communicate Ideas

Globally competent students can effectively communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences.

Take Action

Globally competent students have the skills and knowledge to not just learn about the world, but also to make a difference in the world.

"Global competence is the capacity to examine local, global and intercultural issues, to understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others, to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with people from different cultures, and to act for collective well-being and sustainable development."

-Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

"Global competence is the skills, values, and behaviors that prepare young people to thrive in a more diverse, interconnected world. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to be engaged citizens and collaborative problem solvers who are ready for the workforce is essential. In the 21st century and beyond this is what all people will need. To be engaged citizens. To be prepared for jobs of the future. To be local and global problem solvers."

- World Savy

Why are global competence and global education important to the world?

Why are global competence and global education significant to Americans?

Why are global competence and global education significant to Texans?

Why are global competence and global education significant to Ector County Independent School District?

Ector County ISD, Odessa, TX.mp4