Trial Lesson Appointment Response Mail Preset
for JAPANESE Students

Trial Lesson Appointment Response Mail Preset
✱for JAPANESE Students

To: Student's emailCC: SUBJECT: Trial Lesson Appointment

Hi [student nickname]!
Thank you very much for taking the trial lesson with me. For this trial lesson, please select your most convenient date and time from the timetable below (Japan time);トライアルレッスンを受講していただくことになり感謝しております。この体験レッスン​をうけるのに、あなたの都合のよい日時は​​いつでしょうか?
Please tell me the exact date, day and time you want to take our Trial Lesson.下記の時間割から最も都合が良い日(1日だけ)を選んでください(日本時間です)。
Here's my open schedule.[Teacher must SHOW ALL VACANT SCHEDULE (same schedule you've posted in your Profile Timetable) so that the students can comfortably select their best time for the Trial Lesson, please DELETE this red part after reading.]8:00-8:25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday8:30-8:55 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday9:00-9:25 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:30-9:55 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
17:00-17:25 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday17:30-17:55 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 18:00-18:25 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday18:30-18:55 Monday, Friday, Saturday19:00-19:25 Wednesday, Saturday20:30-20:55 Tuesday, Friday21:00-21:25 Tuesday, Friday22:00-22:25 Monday, Saturday

On the date of your trial lesson, please boot up your Skype 10 minutes before the lesson time and wait for my call. When you are called, please respond as soon as possible.以下の日時の10分前にはSkypeを立ち上げ、準備をしてください。時間になればこちらからコールしますので、すぐに応答してください。
NOTE:If I call you through Skype and there's no answer, please call me through my Skype ID (Tutor’s Skype ID) or e-mail me about your situation.もし、そちらにコールしても応答がなかった場合は、そちら(生徒様)から、私(先生)のスカイプへコールするか、または、そちら(生徒様)の状況についてメールをください)。
I will wait for you within 10 minutes only. こちらは10分まで、お待ちしております。
If I don’t receive a response from you within 10 minutes due to some difficulties (whatever they may be, then I will send you a mail about rescheduling the trial lesson).もし、10分たっても、なんらかのトラブルかなにかで、生徒様と会話できなかった場合は、再度、トライアルレッスンの日程についてのメールを出させていただきます。)
By then, please send me a reply.その時は、それにお返事をお願いします。

[Teacher Nickname] (e.g. Teacher Nancy)[Teacher Profile Number-Nickname] (e.g. 0020-Nancy)