Step3-Request Mail Preset
for FOREIGN Students

Step3-Request Mail Preset
✱for JAPANESE Students

You must send this mail with
CC: after the lesson contract (to ask the student's payment for the total contract fee within a week).

NOTE: Compose a new message, copy and edit the preset mail below.

To: Student's email
CC: SUBJECT: Step3-Request Mail (requesting you to send payment to EIGORU PayPal account and fill-out or submit Step3-form after sent payment.)

Hello [student nickname]!
(Teacher can add your other message here in English. Please DELETE this message in purple after reading.)
I am sending you our latest Lesson Sheet attached in this "Step3-Request Mail."
Thank you so much for taking lessons & completing a lesson contract with me here in EIGORU English Online School!I'd like to inform you that we already finished 1-contract or 4-week lessons.Please process payment within 7 days from the date you received this Step3-Request mail.
Please follow the simple Step3 process below.
1. Please download and save the Lesson Sheet (Excel file or Photo file) attached in this mail to your Computer or phone/tablet.Note: Do NOT change the File Name of the Lesson Sheet. Your teacher needs the unique and updated Lesson Sheet file name for his/her invoice.
2. Don't forget to carefully check the Lesson Sheet contents/details.
A. If there's a mistake or wrong details in the Lesson Sheet. Please send back the Lesson Sheet to your teacher and ask to edit or correct the mistake. You can use ►EIGORU English Easy Mail Form in asking your teacher to correct mistake in the Lesson Sheet.
B. If you received a correct Lesson Sheet. If the Lesson Sheet details are all correct, then please, send payment to EIGORU PayPal account within 7 days from this email's date then attach the finished Lesson Sheet to the Step3-form afterward.
NOTE: If you requested your teacher to send you the PHOTO-type Lesson Sheet, then please use this form ►EIGORU English Easy Mail Form.
3. Fill-out the Step3-form and Send payment via PayPal.Step 1: Fill-up EIGORU-English Step3-Form, attach your correct Lesson Sheet then click "Submit."Step 2: After submit, you will be redirected to PayPal payment page and please finish sending payment.Step 3: You and EIGORU Office will receive your submitted data after completing the Step3-form.
NOTE: If you didn't receive your "submitted data", then please inform us and your teacher about it. We will then forward it to you and to your teacher via email.
Click EIGORU English Step3-form URL below.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EIGORU English Step3-form
IMPORTANT NOTE:Please do NOT add any characters on the Lesson Sheet FILE NAME to avoid corrupted file.

Other Important Links you might need:

If you can not attach the Excel-type Lesson Sheet in the Step3-form, then please refer to the following guidelines and correspond accordingly.
1.3.10 Q: Can you make a Lesson Sheet in a PHOTO file format? Because I can’t attach Excel type of Lesson Sheet to Step3-Form or EIGORU Billing Form.

Continuing Lessons Procedures
Step3-form explanation1.3.15 Q: When can I send payment?

Additional Important Information: Your teacher needs your submitted data from completing Step3-form with the latest Lesson Sheet attachment (kindly ignore the fields/cells with OK and YES). If you delay this process, your teacher won't be able to complete her invoice set (teacher's all students' finished Lesson Sheets) and won't receive her salary on time. Please understand your teacher's situation. Please SUBMIT Step3-form as soon as possible, within 7 days from the date your received the Step3-Request Mail.
You MUST FILL-OUT Step3-form first before sending payment to EIGORU PayPal account. This is the ONLY PROOF we have that you, our student, has done sending payment.
Thank you very much for your great support!

Sincerely,[Teacher Nickname] (e.g. Teacher Nancy)[Teacher Profile Number-Nickname] (e.g. 0020-Nancy)