
How do we measure teacher efficacy in our schools?

Watch the following 1:38 minute video by Jenni Donohoo to learn practical examples for measuring collective teacher efficacy.

Closed Captioning is available in the video by clicking the CC icon.

Graphic with quote. It is not until we understand culture are we able to change it. by Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker

School Culture

School culture is at the heart of Collective Teacher Efficacy. Gruenert & Whittaker (2015) state that school improvement often hinges on the culture of the school. They compare school culture to personaility; the unwritten rules of the school.

Determining the cultural pulse of the school is a starting point for determining Collective Teacher Efficacy. More information is provided on school culture in the "Resources" section of this module.

Reflection: Answer the following questions on the notetaking page.

In the video, Donohoo warns against using formal instruments to measure teacher efficacy in schools.

  • Why might this type of measurement be worrisome for some school leaders?

  • What are some ways teacher efficacy can be measured in your school(s)?

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