Perspectives on Collective Efficacy

The information on this page is designed to provide an overview of the next sections of this module. They will include important perspectives to consider regarding Collective Teacher Efficacy including what it is, why it is important, and principles to guide implementation of this work in your school.

What is Collective Efficacy?

In order to contribute to building collective efficacy with your staff, it will first be important to understand what it is. In this section of the module, you will find explanations and research connections designed to build a deeper understanding of Collective Teacher Efficacy.

Image shows small fish arranged to create an image of a large fish., 2021

Graphic representation of Hattie's barometer. A scale with numbers from -0.2 up to 1.2 is shown with an arrow point beyond the 1.2. At the bottom, it says collective teacher efficacy. d= 1.57.

Nanaimo School Administrators Association, 2018

Why is Collective Efficacy important?

This section of the module provides evidence from the research of Bandura and Hattie that supports the impact of Collective Teacher Efficacy on student success. It will include information to support the urgency for attending to this essential element of work for your school staff.

Six Guiding Principles for Collective Teacher Efficacy

Donohoo, (2019), identifies six guiding principles for building collective efficacy. This module includes a page devoted to each principle, including an explanation of and connection to resources for building a deeper understanding of each principle to help you build a vision to establish collective efficacy with your staff over time.

Image of two men and one woman looking at a laptop screen together. Words below say Collective Teacher Efficacy in Action, 2022

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