5. Responsiveness of Leadership


Drawing of two figures walking up a steep incline and reaching out to one another.

(www.lollydaskal.com, year)

"Principal leadership contributes significantly to the development and maintenance of effective schools through their ability to bring their teams to work together by understanding the value of collaboration and believing in their ability to overcome obstacles as a team on the road to student success " (Deltour, 2021, Para. 6).

Leaders who are responsive have positive relationships with their teachers and have intentional practices in place to protect them from possible distractions from their classroom instruction. They provide teachers with what they need to be successful. When principals consistently respond to teachers' needs, they, in turn, feel supported and have a "greater belief in their collective ability to affect student outcomes" (Donohoo, 2019, p. 33).


Click the recording to hear an overview of this page. The transcript of this recording is to the right. (1:46 minutes)

Transcript for Recording

The information on this page highlights the importance of the responsiveness of leadership to build Collective Teacher Efficacy. Responsive leadership begins by understanding how important collaboration is, especially In terms of building the belief in the collective ability to overcome obstacles as a team to help students be successful. Information also includes the importance of positive relationships with teachers and intentionally protecting them from instructional distractions. Responsive leaders respond to teachers and make them feel supported. This begins with taking time to listen, making sure that teachers' voices are heard and that they have time and space to collaborate and solve problems, and are trusted as experts to understand their obstacles and solve problems collectively. Included in the resources here is an article that includes the attributes of successful leaders including being inclusive focusing on Solutions and building effective teams. There's also a video that provides an overview of school leaders' role in building Collective teacher efficacy. Including working hard to build the capacity of others and promoting understanding of successful practices including meaningful collaboration ensuring goals and high expectations are established and providing clear and consistent feedback.


Essential Attributes Being a Responsive Leader

Leadership Secrets for Collective Teacher Success

"Hearing and validating teachers starts with meaningful opportunities to collaborate and solve problems from an inquiry stance, acknowledging teachers as experts in the field and partners in the learning paradigm. Administrators’ charge is to protect sacred planning time, create sustainable collaboration systems, and remove barriers that might prohibit teachers from doing their job effectively." (Sadder, 2022).

Drawing of multiple figures walking up an ascending incline with dips.

(Integra, 2019)

Strategies for Establishing Responsive Leadership

Establishing Responsive Leadership

Read this article which explains how successful leaders understand how powerful thoughts are. They are inclusive, focus on solutions, build effective teams, and simplify the complicated. They also use strategies to analyze issues, not people. They avoid letting fears prevent them from thinking big. When others become distracted, responsive leaders have discipline and endurance. They understand they cannot control everything and know when to "go with the flow." They model approaching tasks with excellence and they care more about giving recognition than receiving it. Making these conscious choices as regular habits establishes the qualities of responsive leaders (Daskal, 2019).

Drawing of three people working together to push the point of an arrow upwards.

(www.executiveleader.com, 2019)

Drawing of man holding another man's hand to help him up a set of stairs

(Himanikaul, 2020)

Refining Responsive Leadership

Watch this video (1:49 minutes) which provides an overview of the school leader's role in building Collective Teacher Efficacy. Some of the key points include working hard to build the capacity of others to create a culture that allows room for CTE to grow. Other points include being an effective manager of staff interactions and building effective relationships while promoting an understanding of equitable learning processes and being a model reflective co-learner along with their staff.

Watch this video (0:52 minutes) outlines four successful practices for leaders including creating opportunities for meaningful collaboration, empowering teachers, establishing goals and high expectations, and providing feedback.

Summarizing Responsive Leadership

Reflection: Answer the following questions on the notetaking page.

  • What is Responsive Leadership?

  • What are strategies to establish responsive leadership for your staff?

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