6. Effective Systems of Intervention


Photo of large pencil placed to stop a line of falling dominoes.

(gettingsmart.com, 2016)

When effective systems of intervention are in place, staff share a sense of collective efficacy because they help to ensure that all students are successful based on their "collective abilities to impact student learning in a positive way" (Donohoo, 2019, p.33).


Click the recording to hear an overview of this page. The transcript of this recording is to the right. (1:43 minutes)

Transcript for Recording

The information on this page highlights how effective systems of intervention allow staff to share a sense of collective efficacy as they work together to ensure that all students are successful. An essential attribute of effective interventions is that when they are implemented through collective teacher efficacy they counteract the impact of socio-economic conditions that can negatively affect student learning. These systems of intervention provide hope for many of our minority students from disadvantaged backgrounds due to the collective knowledge and the combined ability of principals with staff to overcome what has negatively impacted their learning in the past. You'll see resources here to guide you in establishing effective interventions. These include an article that explains 6 essential steps to successful interventions. They include planning outcomes that are clear specific and achievable, having a plan for explicit instruction that ensures that the needs of students are addressed. Then encouraging starting small to accurately determine what works and then scaling it up to a larger system. There is also a video that suppports ensuring that progress is monitored and best practices are shared between colleagues. TIt shares that the most essential step of building CTE through establishing systems of intervention is communication. That includes celebrating success and sharing responsibility to build Collective Teacher Efficacy that allows for obstacles to student learning to be overcome.


Essential Attributes of Effective Intrventions

"Collective teacher efficacy can counteract the negative impact of socioeconomic conditions on student learning. Hope therefore exists for principals of schools that enroll many students from minority, disadvantaged backgrounds" (Deltour et.al, 2021 , para 3).

Drawing of four humanoid figures hold holds and each standing on a puzzle piece. One puzzle piece is disconnected. The humanoid on that piece is reaching out to grasp hands with the first humanoid.

(caps.umich.edu, 2022)

Strategies for Establishing Effective Systems of Intervention

Establishing Effective Interventions

Read this article as it addresses the impact of a well-executed intervention plan. It explains 6 steps to successful interventions. The first of which includes planning it with a SMART outcome in mind that is clear, specific, and achievable. Effective interventions have a clear plan for explicit, teacher-led instruction that addresses the skill needs of the student in order to achieve the skill goal. Starting small to accurately determine what works, and then scale it up, being sure to monitor progress, and sharing best practices with colleagues, all lead to successful interventions. When teams communicate and celebrate, their collective efficacy ensures success for their students through the implementation of effective interventions(Arbor Education.com, 2018).

Graphic of steps for implementating intervientions. Step 1: Define the Outcome, Step 2: Carefully Plan, Step 3: Start Small, Step 4: Scale Up, Step 5: Monitor, Step 6: Share.

(Arbor Education.com, 2018)

Photo of man's back with embedded link to video.

(TedTalk, 2016)

Refining Intervention Systems

Watch this video (11:44 minutes) which addresses a hard look at a study of difficult-to-reach students through a lens that examines changing our view of at-risk students to a view of at-promise students. The speaker shares his personal view of the potential to change students based on his own at-risk experience. He attributes the reason he changed his own path was because of a teacher who understood how to be culturally relevant and used intentional strategies to tap in on the potential of her students. He proposes strategies for supporting students including removing our "deficit perspective," and valuing and using students' stories to establish their resilience. Also, he includes providing adequate resources to students who need them as well as using their mistakes to learn, grow, and be successful.

Summarizing Effective Systems of Intervention

Reflection: Answer the following questions on the notetaking page.

  • What is Effective Intervention?

  • What are strategies to establish effective systems of intervention?

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