Aaron's Poetry


by Aaron A.

Tamar Tamar Tamar

A powerful enslaved woman

Closed her eyes for the final time in 1816

Her life was difficult

But Tamar was also a lucky woman

She was able to live as a free woman, something other enslaved people never got to experience

Tamar was a caring woman

Cared for her family and even her slave owner

Tamar was a good human

She needs to get the respect

Tamar Tamar Tamar

Aaron’s Statement

I chose to use this form of writing to really sum up Tamar’s life in a short little poem. I also wanted to use the poem to show the value of Tamar’s life and to show something about who she was as a person. My poem asks us to respect Tamar, something she may not have gotten in her life. Telling her story highlights the truth: that she was enslaved here in Madison, even though most of us didn’t know that there was slavery here.