Henry's Lettuce Writing

A Song For Lettuce

Music and lyrics by Henry G.

Have you felt that cold feeling,

that scary feeling,

of being alone?

A sense of turmoil that drives through your blood, creating a storm of confusion.

Why am I here? You may ask yourself,

Why did God put you here, on this planet?

To push you off the edge of a cliff of emotion and grief?

That final puzzle piece inside you wishing to be found

so that everything could go back to what it once was.

That you are fresh, stirred concrete holding a house for generations to come.

That sense of confusion,

But also that sense of relief,

That sense of amazement

To the point where you don’t believe that it is true, you’re free.

You wonder what you’re going to do with your life,

If you’re going to take that next step to become the person you’ve dreamed to be.

The person who can have a family,

Who can experience love and most of all marry a man

Who can hold her tight and embrace her

In those moments of strife,

And live in a world where a girl can become a woman and a boy can become a man.

Author's Statement

My intention with this poem was to show the emotion of being free from enslavement and being able to grow up and have a family. On my final line, I wrote “And live in a world where a girl can become a woman and a boy can become a man.” This is showing they were being freed from dehumanization. I think I reached my desired effect by setting the tone of the song with my lyrics. I hope people will notice and remember the hard times Lettuce went though and feel the sadness of this hardship. I tried to include details about being free and the feeling she may have gone through. Lettuce was released more than once and returned to a new master each time until then so she didn’t know what was going to happen and if she would be enslaved again and I think that created more confusion and worry.