CPAC: Civilian police accountability commission
minneapolis cpac legislation
TCC4J has been working since 2017 to establish community control of the Minneapolis Police Department. Starting with legislation borrowed from Chicago. We organized community meetings to discuss what Minneapolis residents want community control to look like, and started rewriting it to fit our needs and priorities.
After the murder of George Floyd, some city council members talked about defunding or dismantling the MPD. We intensified our call for community control over whatever forces patrol our city streets. We quickly released our draft long version of legislation for an all-elected Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC) in Minneapolis. (You can read that earlier draft here - PDF | DOC ).
Since summer 2020, we've focused our attention on how to bring CPAC to life in Minneapolis. That has to begin with an amendment to the city charter, which places all control over police in the hands of the mayor. That system has failed us, and we need to change it. We now have draft language for a charter amendment to establish an-elected Civilian Police Accountability Commission (CPAC) in Minneapolis and we have built a coalition of support behind the campaign, Minneapolis for Community Control of Police.
What is CPAC?
*Note: the CPAC legislation has been updated to name the board Civilian Police Accountability Commission instead of Council