TCC4J was formed after the murder of Jamar Clark by the Minneapolis Police Department on the night of November 15, 2015. After the 4th Precinct Occupation, there was a recognized need by local activists and community members to continue the work and gather people around the fight against police crimes.
We believe that the fight against police terror and crimes must have a multi-national working class approach which unites the Black Lives Matter movement and everyday working people in the community.
We stand in solidarity with all victims and families of police crimes and this is why we are campaigning for an All-Civilian Police Accountability Council which would control all aspects of Minneapolis policing from budgets, to the police rule-book, appointment of the chief, and hiring/firing/discipline practices and investigations of complaints.
Donate to TCC4J:
Donations accepted at
Paypal: tcc4j
Cash App: $TCC4JReal
Venmo: @realtcc4j