Our Reality (Context, Enablers & Barriers)

What were enablers and barriers to the Taking the Lead approach? What context do we operate in?


  • Risk taking, innovation, interest from participants
  • Project was new and exciting
  • Personal gain and development for participants
  • Group development opportunities, chance to learn to work better together
  • Great networking opportunity, realising that we are part of a bigger network
  • Signing up to the whole 'package' created commitment in participants
  • Making new friends, sharing skills and visiting each other
  • Time-limited project made it easier to commit and engage
  • Supportive manager, with Taking the Lead seen as a priority and with permission given to work nationally
  • Supportive colleagues, local team buying in
  • Need to work remotely and in a smart way
  • Funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund
  • A worthwhile project priority (understanding the importance and outcomes of Taking the Lead)
  • NAAONB buy-in to the programme
  • NAAONB supporting and buying into TWG work and outputs
  • NAAONB coordination
  • AONB teams willing to contribute time & energy
  • Taking the Lead hit a critical mass - we are part of something 'BIG'!
  • Regular meetings ensured good momentum


  • Not all team members are open to behaviour change / psychometric profiling (sometimes previous negative experience), this could create tensions in local teams and requires a neutral and external facilitator
  • Funding coming to an end - how do we cover costs (venues, time, coordination, etc.) going forward?
  • Lack of a formal structure to carry on might make us lose momentum
  • Lack of ownership from participants themselves?
  • We must be brought together and challenged in order to take things forward - do we depend on an 'outside agency' to carry this on?
  • Lack of clarity over how Glover Review will be taken forward => what do we do next?
  • TIME and capacity (local and national) - what can local AONBs and NAAONB commit to next?
  • Differences between core and project staff and between full time and part time staff - how can everyone engage in such activities going forward?
  • How do we engage AONBs not involved in Taking the Lead so far?
  • Lack of associated budget options for TWGs ; Lack of clarity on NAAONB support
  • Geography: national meetings can be onerous and difficult to organise, some teams quite remote
  • Lack of access to the NAAONB - this must be a 2-way process
  • NAAONB comms: no staff / no access to national comms

Wider context

  • Virtual Spark (11 participants)
  • Resilience & Governance of NAAONB - Trustee Workshop (11th Dec 2019)
  • Lead Officers meeting (Feb' 2020)
  • Glover Review - National Landscape Service - what governance?
  • Further opportunities for staff development?