Comments - short guide and good practice

The commenting feature available on each page of this mini site is a great way for us to share thoughts and ideas.

Before posting a comment, you need to register with your name and email address - this is to prevent spammers from commenting on our site. But before we start, a bit of 'good practice' guidance.

The goal of these comment boxes is to allow you to interact, react and share ideas on the outputs of the Celebrating Success and Creating a Legacy Event. Whilst Basecamp is fairly limited, only allowing people to create a post and respond to others, this mini site will allow you to comment on the content of a webpage, to reply to other comments creating sub-threads in the conversation, and to vote for comments that you think are worth putting forward for more visibility.

The idea is for you to prompt each other to detail your ideas – which options should we prioritise and carry forward? What would that look like in practical terms? What options are realistically achievable? And so on.

Even though the comment boxes have buttons to share on Twitter and Facebook, please do not use these as the mini site is meant for internal use only.

The up-vote and down-vote feature must be used with consideration and respect for others. If you down-vote a comment, please also reply with constructive feedback to explain your vote. Please refrain from down-voting for a difference of opinion. Conversely, use the up-vote feature if you think other people’s comments are worth highlighting and exploring further.

The comments will be actively monitored, and any aggressive or degrading behaviour will be sanctioned (the user will not be allowed to comment anymore) and such comments will be deleted.

PLEASE NOTE: You will not receive any email notification when other people comment or reply to your comment. This means you will have to check in regularly if you want to see what others are saying and to keep engaging with the conversation. We will be sending regular reminders to keep the mini site active through December and January!

When you register, please include your full name as well as you AONB name, to avoid confusion (see example below). You must then accept the terms and conditions.

You will then receive an email from Disqus (the service provider for this commenting feature), to verify your email address. You must do that before you can post your first comment. Make sure you check your spam.

Once verified, you don't need to do anything else with Disqus, and don't worry, you'll only have to register once! Then you will be automatically logged in and you can just leave a comment whenever you want.

Once registered, you can also reply to other comments and up-vote or down-vote comments (if you agree or disagree with someone else's comment). Please make reasonable us of this facility - this is a tool to help us collaborate, not to denigrate each other's ideas.

For any issue, please email, she will get back to you promptly!