Secure further funding to carry this approach forward

On this page are all the options suggesting to secure further funding to carry this approach forward.

The various options are numbered to facilitate discussion in the comments, but the numbers DO NOT represent a priority or ranking. New options expressed in the comments will be added to the list regularly.

  1. Secure buy-in and thus funding from Trustees to continue the Taking the Lead programme.
  2. Ask AONB Partnerships to increase their contribution to the NAAONB specifically to fund future work on collaboration.
  3. Carrying this forward will not happen without resources - these can come from an increased levy on AONBs, new funding bids, increased resources from central government, ...
  4. Linking up to increased funding, use some of that funding to fund a dedicated coordinator role within the NAAONB, in order to work with and bring together AONB units to work on national topics, kick-start projects and work programmes, to widen the pool of participation to all AONB staff and overall to continue this collective work.