Continue and adapt TWG model

On this page are all the options suggesting to carry forward a collaborative approach using the existing TWG model. There are recommendations on how to improve the model, how to make it a viable and lasting process, etc.

The various options are numbered to facilitate discussion in the comments, but the numbers DO NOT represent a priority or ranking. New options expressed in the comments will be added to the list regularly.

  1. Each TWG identifies one idea which would greatly help to the AONB Network, and takes it forward.
  2. Simplify TWG workstreams and set defined timescales for future work.
  3. Gather and condense new topic ideas each year at Conference to inform the creation of new TWGs (and let people sign up to what they want to be involved with).
  4. Come up with a really focused goal for each new TWG, with clarity on task, timeline, capacity, etc. Use Basecamp to gather ideas and pick the 'best' ones.
  5. Put in place a structure/process to capture key priorities for new TWG ideas (from Trustees, Lead Officers, AONB Staff), notably including current priorities (e.g. Glover Review recommendations).
  6. Make sure the tasks identified are tangible, not open-ended or unrealistic.
  7. Some TWGs can be short-term and project-focused, whilst others can be long-term/permanent (e.g. advocacy, staff development).
  8. Review the groups, their outputs and the relevance of the topics annually.
  9. Make sure the new TWGs are linked up to NAAONB Board and Staff.
  10. Advocate for and support the delivery of an annual staff forum in which topics would be agreed and working groups formed.