Learning Management

Knowing and remembering the name of my students

In the beginning of the new academic year, I always take the photo of all students. I write their name in Japanese language and take a photo of them with their names. The reason why I take the photo is because I want to know their face and name so that I can remember them. I really want to know and remember their names because I want to make good relationship with them. I believe that it is important to have a good relationship when we, teachers, teach our students. All students are not alike. We need to change or adjust the way of teaching and talking to each student. I believe that if I remember their names and call them by name, my students feel safe, open their heart to me, and want to study with me. In fact, when I call my students by name, they will smile at me, and start talking to me. Then, I will ask their personal interests or their concern, so that I can know them more. I believe that those actions give my students and me a good foundation to learn new things together.

Making learning environment

As I mentioned, I try to remember my students' names and create a friendly, psychologically stress-free environment. I also try to break down cultural barriers as much as possible by learning about and understanding Thai culture. Especially in Thai culture, there are many situations where students feel embarrassed and hesitant to ask questions or express their opinions to their teachers and friends. Therefore, I first try to remove the psychological stress from the students so that they can learn as comfortably and independently as possible. Then Then I try to encourage students to ask questions rather than answer them. I believe that by doing so, students will not be afraid to make mistakes and will ask better questions. And every student is different. Therefore, I try to use different learning models. Moreover, I adjust my learning methods to fit each student's needs, and I introduce ideas from a variety of sources so that as many students as possible can learn effectively. I also use a variety of outcome criteria to help students succeed. I approach my classes from a variety of angles so that each student can make as much progress as possible. And I try to be consistent and transparent in my evaluations. I think that those things help me create a positive and child-friendly learning environment to my students. And I think that my students will feel comfortable and learn a lot in my classes.

Using authentic materials

I’m teaching Japanese language to my Thai students. Most of my students don’t like studying by using books provided by school. Therefore, I really need to use wisdom for creating the way of teaching them. For example, I use not only textbooks provided by the school, but also authentic materials such as videos, Japanese music, Japanese comics, Japanese anime, Japanese festivals, Japanese flyers, and cooking Japanese food for teaching teach them.

Using ICT in my classroom

I also use the teaching way which is related to ICT too. I often take videos and post on YouTube, and let my students watch and listen to my Japanese language. Since most of my students have mobile phones, they can watch and listen to me at any times and any place. Sometimes, I let them take a video or record their voice by their mobile phones to check their Japanese pronunciation. I also let them look for information about Japan on the website by their mobile phones. My students type Japanese language of search engine, and they can get useful information as much as possible. Moreover, our school has a Japanese sister school in Japan. And I often let my students communicate to Japanese students in Japan. For example, I let my students write letters in Japanese or make video letters. And I let them exchange them with Japanese students in Japan. When I teach new Japanese grammar to my students, sometimes I let my students use new grammar and write email to Japanese students in Japan. Now I am planning to have video chatting with my Thai students and Japanese students living in Japan. By using those teaching methods related ICT, my students can not only concentrate to learn Japanese with joy but also have Japanese friends in Japan. 

Active learning

In classroom, I try to be not a lecture who speak alone but a facilitator who leads students to accomplish the goal. I often use active learning methods to let students to think, discuss, investigate, and create by themselves. I give opportunity to use Japanese language with Japanese students so that my students can improve their practice skills in the real situation. And I also give complex questions so that they can practice solving problems and find solutions. And I encourage them to explain their ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. I believe that active learning helps students to become 'lifelong learners' in the future. An active learning help students learn not only the content but also the process of thinking. An Active learning develops students’ ability to learn. This ability is really needed in our lives so that we can think by ourselves and solve many problems in our lives.

Giving an opportunity to participate the Japanese competition

There are schools and organizations which hold the Japanese competition. I think that it is a good opportunity for my students to use Japanese language and meet students studying Japanese language at other schools. When I know there will be a Japanese competition, I always encourage my students to participate it. I encourage them to practice with me to prepare it. I want my students to know how important it is to do their best when they do something. And I want my students to know if they do their best, they can achieve something. I want them to know that they can success. I saw many students starting to study hard and enthusiastic after the competition.