Acadmic Products

Making videos with Japanese language

I often let students make videos with Japanese language. I give them an opportunity to use Japanese language to make videos such as introducing themselves, telling what they like, telling the city where they live in, and telling how to make Japanese foods. My students can improve not only Japanese language but also the skills of using technologies in my class.

Exchanging video letters and emails with Japanese students

My students don’t like studying with textbooks. I decided to produce authentic materials for my students so that they could learn effectively and with joy. Now I’m using many authentic materials. For example, I give an opportunity to my students to exchange video letters and emails with Japanese students living in Japan. I found the school which help my school teach Japanese language. I let them make pairs and take videos and exchange them several times. Some students are keeping in touch with each other on Facebook and Instagram. And when the students learn the new Japanese grammar, I’ll let them write emails to a Japanese high student living in Japan. About one week later, she replies to my students. The emails that the students receive are not the same. All students get unique emails. Then, my students read what she wrote in her emails. From my experience, I knew that those authentic materials worked very effectively.

Japanese online material competition

Since Covid-19 came out, we, teachers, had had to teach online. We have tried to develop online teaching materials, and our skills of using ICT. Now, we can teach our students on-site. However, we can still use an education technology to develop our education system so that we can help our students learn more effectively. Therefore, we need to learn and invent new materials and new way of integrating those technologies for our students. We need to keep on developing ourselves. I also make new materials related to ICT. And I participated in the Japanese online material competition in 2022. I introduced one of my online games which I made. Then, I got award in this competition. I will keep on developing myself and making new material for my teaching so that students can learn effectively with joy.