About SUSStainability Leadership Framework

In line with SUSS's vision of being a University of Social Good, Student Life's (STL) Leadership Framework aims to support and inspire students' journey in being a SUSStainable leader. We believe that

" A SUSStainable leader cares, supports action, and inspires towards a better world 

through stewardship, advocacy with resilience and celebration of inclusivity."

This promotes partnership, mentorship and collaboration between STL and all student leaders, furthering the office's key approaches of support, sustainability, safety, and skills for all students as part student life.

Leadership Outcomes:

This SUSStainability Leadership Framework aims to inculcate values, knowledge, and skills in areas of Stewardship, Inclusivity and Advocacy for all students. This is done through promoting platforms for students to apply these areas in their respective spheres of influence: one's self, community, and the share environment. These areas are defined as follows:

Browse the options below to learn more about the Leadership Tiered Membership and how you can grow in your leadership journey here in SUSS.

Learning Prospectus