The purpose of SUSS AGs is to spearhead sustainability leadership programmes in SUSS with stewardship advocacy and inclusivity in crucial area of SUSS student life such as well-being, student voice, active citizenship, and onboarding.

AGs work in close partnership with SUSS Student Life (STL) in providing an enriching and inclusive student experience. Through participation in SUSS AGs, members grow in their leadership journey and gain experience in sustainable programme practices, stewardship of resources, and organisational building.


All AG members are required to:

Funding Guidelines

All AGs are required to indicate the funding required for all programmes and events planned for the year. The items that require funding for, and the costs of these items should be specified and are subject to STL approval.

a) Appoved programmes, events and items

i. Programme with external partners

AGs may request funding for speaker fees subject to approval by STL staff. Designed programmes/workshops should promote the AG's causes and objectives for all SUSS students.

ii. Tokens of appreciation

For talks and workshops with pro bono external speakers, AGs may request funding for SUSS corporate gifts as tokens of appreciation. AGs should indicate the quantity required and seek approval from OST/Faculty staff mentor prior to each distribution.

iii. Refreshments

For face-to-face AG events/programmes, refreshments are only applicable for programmes/events that are:

a. Open to all SUSS students

b. With the presence of external speakers or guests

c. More than 4 hours

d. Targeted number of participants is more than 50 participants

Funding for refreshments to be included in overall AG event proposals and recommended at $5/pax, subject to approval by OST staff.

iv. Prizes

AGs are encouraged to find alternatives ways to attract participation. STL will only provide prizes for max 2 AG initiatives per year. The funding criteria are as follows:

a. The targeted number of participants for the event is at least 150 participants

b. The sum of prizes given should not exceed $1 x No. of Participants

AGs should source for sponsorships, collect event registration fees, or other available funding/grants to fund for other event prizes.

AGs should work close with STL staff mentors on shortlisting the list of sponsors. Once the list has been finalized, inform the SUSS Advancement Office (ADV) before approaching organisations for monetary donations or cash sponsorships, to prevent overlapping efforts in fundraising. AGs should also work closely with ADV throughout the fundraising process and follow the fundraising guidelines. AGs should not approach the following types of organisations for sponsorships:

a. Foundations, Board of Trustees and Alumni

b. Telecommunications Companies (eg. M1, Singtel, Starhub)

c. Banks

d. Insurance Companies

e. Controversial Companies (eg. Tabacco, Alcohol, Gaming and Betting Companies)

v. Merchandise

STL will sponsor AG T-shirt (1 per AG member). Any other forms of merchandise/collaterals, including but not limited to apparels, welfare packs or personal items, should be self-funded.

vi. Logistics Support

AGs may request funding for logistic support subject to approval by STL staff.

vii. Trainings provided by STL

To support AGs in their leadership journey and to build their skills in their respective advocacy areas, STL will fully subsidize core trainings for each AG members. The list of core trainings should be discussed with STL and will be subject to STL approval.

viii. Other funding support

Other sources of funding support for the respective AG events and programmes such as and not limited to examination packs, appreciation gifts will be subject to STL approval and discretion.

b) Items in which funding will not be considered

i. Bonding and Teambuilding

All leisure bonding and teambuilding activities among members should be self-funded. STL provides structured training workshops to help improve overall team effectiveness in executing roles and responsibilities.

ii. Sharing Equipment

In consideration of hygiene and shared responsibility, AGs are encouraged not to purchase equipment to be shared among members unless necessary. In the event that sharing of equipment is required, the equipment should be wiped down, sanitized before passing on for use by the next user.

AG Administration

a) Training Guidelines

As STL fully subsidizes core training programmes for the respective AGs, all AG members are expected to be present for all trainings. Any unavailability of members should be tracked by the AG EXCO and given permission by STL with valid reason and documentation.

b) Elections/Selections Guidelines

AGs play a key role in promoting sustainability leadership and in crucial areas such as student voice, well-being, active citizenship and student onboarding. The conduct of the AG carries the reputation of SUSS for both internal and external stakeholders. All AG members are considered student leaders and thus, should act in accordance to their role as student leaders.

To ensure leadership continuity, sustainability, and the AG holds to the highest standards, all AGs are expected to have both an Election and Selection process that is approved by STL. STL staff presence is required for both the Election and Selection process.

c) AG Timeline

To standardize processes and timelines across all AGs, AGs are encouraged to follow the following timeline for key events of the year.

Whole Year Round: AG curated events and core-training period will be spread whole year round 

AUG - OCT: AG Elections period

OCT - DEC: AG Selections period

d) AG Programme/Event Processes

For all AG curated events, an event proposal should be submitted at least 4 weeks before event day. The event proposal should follow the template provided here and should include: