Officers & Board

Call for Candidates  

All organizations benefit from the active participation of members. New ideas and fresh perspectives are always welcome, and active participation helps insure clubs are serving the interests of their members. Consider participating as a leader in the Anthem Amateurs of Sun City Amateur Radio Club. For information contact Don Usher at, or any club officer or board member.  The most recent elections were held in November of 2023.  Board officers and members for the calendar year 2024 are listed below. To contact the leadership team, please e-mail


President: James Corona, KA2BLQ

Vice President: Steven Ehrmann, KK7NST

Secretary/Treasurer: Al Gettier, KA7AFG

Board Members at Large

Bob Morgan, AK6RM

Board Meetings

Tentatively, until a room is scheduled, board meetings will be held virtually, on Tuesdays preceding the general meeting, at 9am. Board members should have received a Zoom invite.

Please direct web-site contributions, corrections or items of interest to James Corona, KA2BLQ@pm. me.