
Michi Suga

撮影 大島拓也

2020/08/04 CV Dr. Michihiro Suga

Professional Preparation

2004                          B.Sc. in Science, Osaka University

2006                          M.Sc. in Science, Osaka University

2009                          Ph.D. in Science, Osaka University

2009-2010            Postdoctral fellow, Osaka University as a research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

2010-2012            Postdoctoral fellow, Oregon Health and Science University

2012-2014            Research Associate, Okayama University


2014-2016            Assistant Professor, Okayama University, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology

2016-2017            Assistant Professor, Okayama University, Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science

2017-2022            Associate Professor, Okayama University, Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science

2018-2022            PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency

2022-present       Professor, Okayama University, Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science

Selected Honors and Awards

2008-2010             Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

2009                           Rising Star Award from the Asian Crystallographic Association

2015                           Young Scientist Award from Protein Science Society of Japan

2015                           Early Career Award in Biophysics (The Biophysical Society of Japan)

2015                           Young Scientist Award from the Crystallographic Society of Japan

2016                           The Young Scientists’ Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

2017                           The Japanese Society of Plant Physiology Young Investigator Award

2020                           Young Scientist Award from the Photobiology Association of Japan

2022             The Robin Hill Award from the International Society of Photosynthesis Research

2024             Research Promotion Award from the Quantum Life Science Society

Research Interests

Structural biology:      Mechanisms of water oxidation, light harvesting, and energy transfer in photosynthetic membrane proteins

                                                Mineral transport mechanisms in channels and transporters

Crystallography:          Methodologies for structural dynamics of membrane proteins using X-ray free electron lasers

Publications and Presentations

Peer-reviewed publications:                                         31

Book chapters and review articles:                              1

Invited talks:                                                                   46