
Welcome. This webpage contains information and templates specific to the preschool grades. Before proceeding, please make sure to 1) read the Introduction webpage, and 2) scan through the entire Resources to familiarize yourself with both the available information and any tools stored under those webpages.

The Preschool Budget

Room Parents of each class within the grade level must work together to determine their classes' budgets. Why? Because if a Class Activity Fee is to be collected from parents, then the administration requires that the Class Activity Fee be the same amount/student throughout the entire grade level. A preschool budget template is available for your use. It is stored in the Preschool Google Drive folder.

Budget Template

Party Planning Guidance

At the younger grade levels, parties may include food, a craft, a game, and/or a "goodie" bag. Please peruse the Preschool Google Folder for detailed tips, templates, ideas, etc. Consider using a Party Planning Matrix worksheet to help plan your events.

Preschool Google Drive Folder