4th Grade

Grade-level specific information and templates.

Welcome. This webpage contains information and templates specific to the 4th grade. Before proceeding, please make sure to 1) read the Introduction webpage, and 2) scan through the entire Resources to familiarize yourself with both the available information and any tools stored under those webpages.

The 4th Grade Budget

Room Parents of each class within the grade level must work together to determine their classes' budgets. Why? Because if a Class Activity Fee is to be collected from parents, then the administration requires that the Class Activity Fee be the same amount/student throughout the entire grade level. A budget template is available for your use. It is stored in the 4th Grade Google Drive folder.

Minor Holidays/Days of Note

The budget template suggests/lists the most common "days of note" (e.g. Valentine's Day). Ask your teacher if they wish to have any snack or treat for these days (remember it does interrupt the teaching rhythm of the class). If the teacher indicates "No" for a particular day, leave the amount blank in the budget spreadsheet.

Budget Template

"All for one and one for all" — Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers

While it is up to each teacher to decide what he/she celebrates in their classroom, it is helpful to talk through each event as a grade. One class may decide to celebrate an event while another one may choose not to celebrate. It is nice for all classes to share what they have planned (snack, craft, goody bag, etc.) to keep things consistent across the grade, and it can be cost-effective to buy things in bulk. However, each class is free to celebrate as the teacher sees fit.

Colonial Day

This is the fourth grade's major activity of the school year. Students engage in a day-long historical cultural festival. The 4th grade's Room Parents are the primary coordinators of this event. You must budget for this event, purchase supplies, and recruit many parent volunteers to help. The fourth grade teachers have a detailed Colonial Day "how to" notebook available for your reference.

4th Grade Google Drive Folder