Pylon Route

Chosen route

SSEN have published new documents showing exactly where they think their pylons will be going.

The alternative route proposed by BCR, and previously assessed by SSEN, appears to have been abandoned with no justification.

The chosen route is the worst of all possible options.  

 To download the documents (including the route maps) select the 'Documents' tab on the Spittal - Loch Buidhe - Beauly page on SSEN's website.

Consultation events

SSEN are holding another round of “consultation” events including the following:

Please find time to attend and make your feelings known.

Planning process

The planning process for this started with the submission of the Scoping Report at the end of October 2024 and will be handled by the Scottish Government via the Energy Consents Unit (ECU). The Highland Council are a Mandatory Consultee so keep lobbying your Councillors. 

Our local Community Councils and BCR have collaborated to comment upon the inadequacies of the Scoping Report as it currently stands.

The Scoping Report and supporting information can be viewed at the ECU website by searching for a Project Name of “Spittal to Loch Buidhe to Beauly 400 kV OHL Connection”.