Petition Comments
The Petition has received close to 1000 signatures. Here is a selection of people's comments.
All the Petition comments can be read on
"We need to see, in full, the extent of all potential developments. Presenting developments in a piecemeal way is not acceptable."
"Local communities are not being effectively consulted regarding proposed pylon developments."
"I live near the proposed cable route and have no desire to see my views disrupted or listen to the noise from power lines. The local economy relies heavily on tourism and will be severely impacted by this. It’s interesting to note that once the cable route gets to England it goes sun sea all down the east coast so why can that not happen down the east coast of Scotland?"
"The beautiful landscape of rural Scotland is being destroyed by numerous wind turbine and electricity power line developments etc."
Future generations will never forgive us if these monstrosities are allowed to be built unchecked"
"There is no overarching coherent plan of what infrastructure is needed throughout Scotland. All current plans are peace meal and purely focussed on individual companies self interests rather than the public/national interests."
"I love the Highlands and cannot bear to think of the beautiful landscape, rare species and wonderful people being torn apart for the benefit of money making energy companies."
"As we see EU countries read the evidence & minimise the risk by undergrounding / undersea so should ours. Why aren’t they??"
"The power companies are out of control and being allowed to proceed with unnecessary and inappropriate infrastructure."
"I don't want our landscape blighted by more pylons."
"I am so concerned about the proliferation of supposedly green energy industrialization and permanent ruination of the landscape and coast."
"Scotland is being over mass industrialised to no benefit to the country or its communities. Quite the contrary."
"The government seem to be lacking a proper umbrella plan for energy in the UK, particularly one that doesn’t involve throwing Scotland under the bus."
"Supportive of the move to renewable energy but totally opposed to the needless destruction of the Scottish environment."
"These [energy] proposals are being forced upon us without due democratic process."
"Why should our beautiful country be ruined to get cheaper power to England."