Share God's Love

Thank you to all our volunteers who serve so faithfully.  If you are not currently volunteering, please take a moment and see if God is calling you.  Please contact Sandi Brown for volunteer opportunities at the church office at 308-382-2973, or email at

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."   1 Peter 4:10


Sarah’s Circle will be putting school kits together this year for Lutheran World Relief. Any of the following items would be appreciated. You may leave items in kitchen marked school kits. 70 sheet notebooks, 30 centimeter ruler, pencil sharpener, blunt end scissors, #2 pencils (unsharpened), black/blue ballpoint pens, 24 count box of color, 2 ½ inch eraser. Other kits that can be put together are health, baby and fleece blankets. If interested in these check bulletin board in kitchen for instructions. Any questions, please call Joyce Grimminger at 308-986-2309.

  St. Pauls Community Christmas Dinner.

Each year on Christmas Day St. Pauls is proud to host our annual Community Christmas Dinner. We give of our time, talents and resources to prepare meals for over 1,000 folks each year. If you are interested in helping with this amazing community outreach event, please contact the church office.

Good Read:

Wonderful article about the work that we are a part of as church. This is our legacy - that we stay and continue the hard work after the cameras have gone away, after most agencies have moved on and shifted their focus. We're always the last ones out, and among the first ones in.