Our Pastors

Please know you are welcome to call upon your pastors at any time. Everyone’s thoughts and feelings are important, and life brings ups and downs every day. If you have a pastoral care emergency, please contact either of the pastors directly or you may call the church office 308-382-2973. Pastors receive special training in pastoral care through seminary education, and we strive to do our best to nourish and strengthen Christ’s people through His grace.

Senior Pastor  Jeff Pedersen

Please note: jpedersen@stpaulsgi.org is not working properly. Continue to use run21_3@hotmail.com to contact him until further notice. Thank you!

Associate Pastor Bill Pavuk

Pastor Bill has been with St. Pauls since 2008. His primary responsibilities include the areas of Evangelism/Outreach, Creative and Dynamic Worship, and Youth and Family Ministry. 

He is a native of Ohio and is married to Dana Pavuk. They have a son named Niklaus. Bill was ordained in 2001, and this is the second congregation he has served.