Cormac Stafford

Cormac Stafford represents Ireland in kettlebells. A kettlebell is a cast-iron or cast-steel ball with a handle attached to the top. It is used to perform many types of exercises, including ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. They are used as weights and Cormac and his family compete in competetions world wide for this sport. It's very disciplined and many hours must be dedicated to training safely for their individual weights and lifts.

On 20-11-19 Cormac and his family went to Poland to compete in the World Championship.

Anytime the Monastererevin Kettlebell Club have competed they have never come home empty-handed.

His most recent comp was in Belgium and they are now off to Budapest!

Cormac, Naoise, and, Aimee are going to Budapest this weekend to compete in the 'Worlds' Competion.

We wish them all the best of luck ! - Not that they will need it.