Headstrong commitee

Cycle Against Suicide Rag Day 24-11-2023

Teachers involved: Ms Murray and Ms.Barrett

The Headstrong Committee is focused on raising awareness for mental health and helping people who struggle. They also prevent poor mental health by promoting easy ways to keep your brain happy and healthy such as the care packages to teachers they gave out on Friday the 24th.

The committee is comprised of students and teachers, who work in partnership with each other to normalize conversations around mental health and to look at ways in which we can support mental and emotional well-being within our school community. 

The team raised important funds for Cycle Against Suicide on Friday the 24th which was for an amazing cause. We are very proud of the hard work they continue to display with Miss Murray to guide them in whatever way they need they are a force to be reckoned with. - see the image below

Gingerbread Man Day 14-12-2023