Builds By Jay
U.S.S. Bedivere - Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser
Heavy Tank
A High Performance Tank, capable of HSE main tanking with %90 Atks In and delivering upwards of 400k DPS. Acting as the capital ship of Jayiie's Fleet, the current revision lives on a fine line between durability and damage output, albeit at high cost of entry.
Updated: 2023 - 12
I.S.S. Wolfram - Sirius Command Dreadnaught Cruiser
Heavy tank
Old tech, new ship, it eats damage for breakfast and comes back for seconds. A mid way point between the damage aspect of the Bedivere and the support version in the d'Alembert.
Released 2023 - 12
I.S.S. Bedivere - Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser
DEW - Cannon Scatter Volley
Two for one! This features a very potent foray into Unconventional Systems and using controls to reduce the cooldowns of very potent (and expensive) consoles. Alternative build includes a more traditional arrangement which offers similar performance but reduced flexibility and total potential.
Updated: 2023 - 02
U.S.S. Carmarthen - Inquiry Battlecruiser
DEW - Cannon Scatter Volley
Possible only with a reader donation; Thank you!
Currently the highest parsing energy ship on my account; It's a better Lexington or the Lexington is a worse Inquiry...depends on how you look at them. Like everything here, expensive and brutal in its execution.
Updated 2023 - 07
U.S.S. Isle of Aval
DEW - Cannon Scatter Volley
"And it rained a screaming. And it rained a rawness. And it rained a plasma. And it rained a disorder."
Released 2025 - 01
U.S.S. Von Neumann - Fleet Sabre Miracle Worker Escort
DEW - Cannon Scatter Volley
Large DPS, Small Packages. The Saber is the first Miracle Worker tactical ship released to the C-store; and within my fleet has affectionately been named Horseshoe Crab. An incredibly simple build that has developed into an incredible DPS machine.
Updated 2023 - 12
Mists of Avalon - Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought
Turning this into the superweapon it is; my dream ship as we call it has gotten an overhaul and is now one of my top DPS performers...fitting for something that deletes things from existence.
Updated 2023 - 12
U.S.S. Viviane - Verne Temporal Science Vessel
The Meta Exotic Ship - now on STObetter!
Released 2024 - 04
U.S.S. Myrddin Emrys - Chekov Intel Science Warship
DEWSci / Surgical Strikes
I am an amalgam. I will always be something glued together, something slightly broken. It is not something I might recover from but something
Released 2024 - 04
U.S.S. Penumbra - Fleet Equinox Scout Ship
DEW - Cannon Scatter Volley & Exotic
Exotic and Phasers wrapped up in a pilot platform. The Equinox's versatility on full display with energy weapons and exotics blended together.
Updated 2023 - 12
U.S.S. Convenance Heart - Fleet Scryer
DEWSci / Surgical Strikes
Talk about meta-defining all you want, this build is meta-defying
Updated 2023 - 11
U.S.S. Frontenac - Legendary Temporal Operative Science Vessel
Support time! Delving into the world of putting as much damage resistance debuffs to as many things as possible...WITH SCIENCE!
Released 2023 - 12
U.S.S. d'Alembert - Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser
Support Tank
Built on the same platform as the Bedivere, this builds on the lessons learned building the Frontenac to create a versatile tank platform aimed at providing energy weapon support.
Updated 2023 - 12
K.C.S. Parallel Lines - Fleet Theseus Temporal Escort
DEW - Cannon Rapid Fire
Experimenting with single target damage and the revision of recursive shearing. Focusing on single target
Updated 2022 - 12
V.S.S. Solemn Penance - Sh'vhal Spearhead
Kinetic - Mixed
The monkey's paw curls; the die cast, fates sealed. Jay breaks 1 mil DPS, but does so with torps...
Released 2023 - 03
I.K.S. Pendragon - Durgath Temporal Dreadnought
Kinetic - Mixed / Carrier Hybrid
Hey look, I made a bridge Torpedo Carrier, and it only took me what, 3 years?
Released 2024 - 10
U.S.S. Caliburn - Hydra Intel Destroyer
Surgical Strikes
Releasing the Hydra never had so much deeps.
Updated 2024 - 10
U.S.S. Rhongomiant - Legendary Kelvin Intel Cruiser
DEW - Surgical Strikes
Surgical Strikes III madness! All the crits, all the time! Built on the Legendary Kelvin Timeline Intel Battlecruiser from the 10th Anniversary Bundle, this explores the intel revamp in early 2022.
Updated 2023 - 02
U.S.S. Lancelot - Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser
DEW - Surgical Strikes
I have a love-hate relationship with this ship...and whatever you do don't put a kinetic cutting beam on this thing!
Released 2023 - 08
U.S.S. Indebted Sacrosanct - Crossfield Spearhead Refit
DEW - Exceed Rated Limits
An exploration into the miracle worker firing mode Exceed Rated limits on an unconventional platform.
Released 2023 - 02
R.R.W. Durendal - Khaiel Class Engineering Pilot Warbird
DEW - Reroute Reserves To Weapons
A point of infinite density, a singularity builds, and the ship shudders and nearly flies itself apart, yet still the commander insists on more power to weapons.
Updated 2023 - 12
U.S.S. Rtas 'Vadum - Friendship Command FDC
Broadside! What fools to face our guns!
Updated 2024 - 10
U.S.S. Leavitt - Atlantis Temporal Destroyer
Well, we'll just have to get to know each other a little better. I like Ferris wheels, college football, and anything that goes more than 200 miles an hour.
Released 2024 - 10
U.S.S. Thule - Fleet Arbiter Battlecruiser
A long lived Community Staple suggestion for those looking into minimal C-store purchases and low build investment.
Released 2024 - 01
I.K.S. Aiden - Vor'cha Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Putting the Budget back into Budget Builds
Released 2024 - 01
U.S.S. Proxima - Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit
A call back to an old friend of mine who once upon a time also made a very economic build on this same platform.
Released 2024 - 01