U.S.S. Aquila

Terran Eagle Pilot Raider

Build Overview and Focus

Last Updated October 2024

The release of the Eagle and its Covert Warhead Module console that reduces the torpedo global cooldown to 0.5 seconds on ships with Pilot Maneuvers sharply tilted the meta in favor of torpedo boats with Cmdr Pilot seating, of which the Eagle is one. It's also the only ship in the game that has Cmdr Pilot and LtCmdr Command for Concentrate Firepower III. This ship is an absolute DPS monster and is the first STOBETTER ship to break the 1M DPS threshold as well as the current record holder. 

Since then, it's taken me a long time to meaningfully improve the build, despite adding new toys to it. I think part of that was a change to the Infected map, where generators don't heal the transformers anymore, resulting in some hit point loss. The other part is that the Eagle is fast, twitchy, and has a lot of things going on, meaning it's a high actions-per-minute (APM) ship to fly well. As with many build types, piloting is crucial, but especially on kinetic boats. After much trying and experimenting, I've finally been able to achieve 1.5M DPS with it, and it's our first ship to cross that threshold! This is also our first 1M DPS kinetic build on HSE.

With its Enhanced Battle Cloak, I could have chosen to build this in stealth style, utilizing mines and weapons that can be deployed from Cloak, but that really works better on a Romulan character to prolong the Ambush bonus. I went more conventional and used a single aft energy weapon, mostly ignoring the cloak as well as mines since I couldn't fit Dispersal Pattern Beta or more than 1 launcher easily.

Flavor/Theme Choices


The term Aquila comes from the Latin for Eagle and was the sacred animal of Zeus/Jupiter, some times depicted as carrying his thunderbolts. It was also used to refer to the standard of a Roman legion. This ship, a speedy raider with terrifying power in its torpedo launchers, represents the king of birds and its mythological namesake as well. 

Meta Analysis

Budget Analysis

Using the EZRA rubric, this build would cost 662 USD to replicate. That is far more than what I spent on STO to make it. If the cost looks daunting, don't worry! Lower-budget alternatives are provided below.

Change History

Build Breakdown

This ship emphasizes projectile damage and is very fast with Pilot Maneuvers and Fly Her Apart III. It's not completely squishy.


Skill Unlocks


Temporal Operative is useful for Entropic Rider and Atrophied Defenses as well as Phasic Artillery and Continuity. The passive EPG is nice as well for feeding Subspatial Warheads. Intel is an option and I use that on my Kinetic Scimitar, but I like the safety in Temporal as well as the lessened piloting need since flanking is not a consideration with Temporal. 


Starship Weapons


Starship Equipment


The Adapted M.A.C.O set is underrated by many torpedo drivers, but if you don't need/want the Competitive Engines, then it's a solid option. If the Competitive (Prevailing) engines are desired, then I would use the Tilly Shield (Discovery Legends reputation), possibly adding the warp core from that set as well. 

Starship Consoles

Set Bonuses


For beams or cannons, energy type and subtype doesn't matter all that much and an astounding number of keystrokes have been spent asking whether Phaser or Disruptor is better, should I fill up with Spiral Wave Disruptors or Sensor-Linked, etc. when difference between them until one starts hard-core chasing numbers is minimal. That is NOT the case with torpedoes, where I will say that conservatively there's about a dozen usable types of torpedoes for high-level play and the rest of them are basically trash. This is where the torps-are-weak crusaders have a point--the average torp is not strong, and 3 whole subtypes are basically not worth slotting (Transphasic, Chroniton, and Tricobalt). This is my personal list of strong/decent torpedoes. If it's not on this list, I personally wouldn't slot it (though I may have missed one)

Consoles: While it pains me to give up my healing console, the Tachyon Net Drones from the Bozeman are REALLY good and there's an argument to be made for slapping them onto pretty much any kind of build. Support, tank, energy, projectile, maybe even exotic. It's hard to pick apart the active in the parser but if you tally up all the pieces, it hits really hard and also takes enemy shields offline. 

Budget Tweaks:

Bridge Officers

Meta Notes


Personal Traits

Meta-Focused Tweaks:

If going full glass-cannon with unlimited budget

Budget Tweaks:

Try and keep the ones at the bottom, but the default traits are not very good for torpedoes at all. 

Starship Traits

Meta-Focused Tweaks:

Budget Tweaks:

 Try and keep the ones at the bottom. Torpers really need Entwined Tactical Matrices to function


There are 3 items in this build that come from the 12th Anniversary Bundle. While it is extremely expensive, captains wishing to use those items will find it more cost-effective to buy the bundle on sale rather than shelling out individually.

Reputation Traits

Active Reputation

Duty Officers

Meta-Focused Tweaks:

Budget Tweaks:



This ship uses Photonic Officer with the Boimler Effect as its primary cooldown mechanism. As evidenced from the chart above, without Boimler Effect triggering, this build will not have most of its powers on global cooldown. Thankfully, with a high number of short rotation powers (10 over a 15-20 second rotation), there's an  91% chance or higher of at least 1 activation of the trait during a rotation. 

Link to CDR Sheet for this build

Ship Stats


With as many abilities and synergizing concepts as this ship employs, an efficient control scheme is essential. There are many ways to set up such a ship, so I don't pretend to assume that my way is superior. It works for me, especially with my background in RTS and MOBA games, where pushing many different keys quickly is essential. Torpedo ships, especially fast ones with the Covert Warhead Module, are hard to fly. Make it easy on yourself.


This first one is not this ship, but covers general piloting tips for this build type on ISE

Other videos featuring this ship:


ISE Piloting Tips

I start off pre-buffing my spambar prior to countdown (in PUGs) or prior to launch call (premade). You'll want to use Form Up about 10 seconds before the count down ends and Emergency Power to Engines typically around 5 seconds out. The first group I hit with Grav Well (GW), and a full rotation of torpedoes. On ISA, I don't bother using Concentrate Firepower here but I might use Tachyon Net Drones to offline the center cube's shields

Next, I hit Evasive Maneuvers and fly to the left side, activating my big buffs. I shoot the nearest generator on the way in and try to line up so the 2 far-side generators are hit by torpedo spreads and Fire at Will. I also usually activate my Hur'q Beacon here. I then lock onto the transformer with Concentrate Firepower, and Tractor Beam and destroy it; Tac ult active help a lot. Make sure that the assimilator goes down before leaving. I have enough damage that I can kill it through 1-2 generators still being alive. As the generator is about to die, I turn and leave, shooting probes and spheres along the way. I don't bother killing them all, as they'll be back during the gateway fight.

Activate Evasive Maneuvers and fly to the right side, rinse and repeat with as with the left. I try to save my big active heals for this part if I am pugging because pug teams don't always fly over to right generator quickly. On a premade, this is not an issue. As it's dying, I turn back on the gateway. Activate Quantum Singularity Manipulation and FIRE EVERYTHING! This is where Agony Redistributor gets used. A second Gravity Well should be available here. Of note, closing to 5 km and dropping the Anti-time bubble is quite good with the boost from Quantum Singularity Manipulation. With any luck, the 300 CtrlX Grav Well will also suck in the remaining spheres for tons of damage. Concentrate Firepower and Tractor Beam on the gateway helps bring it down quickly, then it's rinse and repeat on the cube. Concentrate Firepower and Tractor Beam again on the Tac Cube with Tachyon Net Drones when it's available. If another reinforcements calldown is available, use it here.

Parse Breakdown

Numbers from Record ISE

The team composition for this run was this ship, 2 supports, and a support tank. 

I'll provide the survivability breakdown for this ship on my solo, deathless ISA as an indication of how this ship stays alive in heals-per-second (HPS):

HPS Numbers from Solo ISA:


The Eagle is the only ship with full Pilot and LtCmdr Command and has 5 fore weapons. If you're willing to get your Concentrate Firepower from somewhere else and slot mines in the back, you might try the Undine Cheirax Warship