U.S.S. Liam Shaw
Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser
Build Overview and Focus
Last Updated March 2025
It took Cryptic a long time to come out with a ship that could slot Call Emergency Artillery, Recursive Shearing, and Concentrate Firepower III while also packing a hangar and enough tactical seating, and it . . . wasn't this ship. Technically it was the Dauntless II, but of course that is a much more expensive ship. While I was thinking about acquiring one, this ship released instead, and as soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to run torpedoes on this ship for massive spike damage. So, here it is: my temporal/command torpedo boat and also our site's current record holder on HSE.
Flavor/Theme Choices
Not all boffs are SROs/Watchers
This is a premium build, with the highest available budgets and resources utilized in its creation. See the build costs page for more detail.
Captain Rachel Garrett earned fame by dying in the line of duty onboard the Enterprise-C in the Battle of Narendra III in a fight that helped broker a lasting peace between the Federation and the Klingons, thus earning her a place in Starfleet's history books. Centuries later, Captain Liam Shaw commanded what would become the Enterprise-G in a battle against a Changeling-Borg alliance. He was fatally wounded but ultimately the senior officers of the former Enterprise-E escaped through his efforts and were successful in overcoming the incursion.
Meta Analysis
ISA: 315K (solo)
ISE: 1193K (premade)
HSE: 1339K (premade)
Budget Analysis
Using the EZRA rubric, this build would cost 823 USD to replicate. That is far more than what I spent on STO to make it. If the cost looks daunting, don't worry! Lower-budget alternatives are provided below.
Elite Captain/T6X upgrade, all fleet unlocks
2 Lockbox ships (Texas Miracle Worker Escort, Crossfield Refit)
1 Lobi ship (Son'a Intel Battlecruiser)
1 Legendary ship (Legendary D'Deridex) which also comes with a coupon we'd use on the Gagarin.
8 other T6 C-store ships (Shran, Bozeman, Grissom, Achilles, Adamant, Eagle, Cabot, Ahwahnee, Achilles, or cross-faction equivalents)
3 Lobi items (Delphic Distortion Torpedo, Boimler Effect, Varuvian Explosives) - the latter 2 should be bought on the Exchange via EC rather than using Lobi
1 Event ship (Vovin)
2 Event Items (Pahvan Omni, Kobayashi Maru Transponder)
1 Lockbox console, 6 lockbox traits including Ceaseless Momentum, 4 non-standard doffs, 2 lockbox bridge officer abilities, 1 lockbox boff
Reputation + fleet gear; all Mk XV Epic
0 Promotional R&D ships
Change History
March 2025: Posted build
Build Breakdown
This ship emphasizes projectile damage and hits a few other areas too. It's not completely squishy.
Skill Unlocks
All weapon-centric builds benefit from the tactical ultimate, as weapon haste and bonus weapon damage from the Focused Frenzy active are appreciable when used on big targets. Applying the bonus to your team is also appreciated. I do not find the cooldown boost from Frenzied Reactions to be needed on a build with a good cooldown scheme.
Engineering skills
Two points in Hull Restoration/Hull Capacity are low opportunity cost for relatively high survivability gains.
I always take a single point in Hull Plating, but other resistance skills and Damage Control are not worth it. Likewise, 2 points in Impulse Expertise is an appreciable boost to maneuverability. Warp Core Potential and especially Warp Core Efficiency help boost power to subsystems. Efficiency is particularly good at adding power to subsystems I am not allocating much power to.
I take a single point in EPS Power Transfer to recover power levels faster after drains or Full Impulse, but it's low impact on this build.
Science skills
Single points in Shield Restoration/Shield Capacity are low opportunity cost for relatively high survivability gains. Since I need skill points elsewhere, only 1 here for those.
Since this character is using Gravity Well and Tractor Beam, having both points in ControlX boosts those as well as the Exotic Particle Generator skill adds value. Control Amplification further increases damage dealt by exotics like Isolytic Tears. DrainX helps amp Neutronic and/or Quantum Phase Torpedoes on builds which use them so I take both points on this character
The rest of the science skills are of little value on this build and are completely skippable.
Tactical skills
Projectile Weapon Training, Hull Penetration, Shield Penetration, Weapon Specialization, and Weapon Amplification are all worthwhile skills to take 3 points in as they boost energy weapon damage directly. Since I do have some energy weapons that deal decent damage, 2 points in Energy Weapon Training is a good choice.
I like taking 2 points apiece in accuracy and defense. Defense is a small contribution to avoiding incoming damage but also helps reduce enemy crits when you're not moving and accuracy is just good all around, if not a stat that you'll need tons of.
Coordination Protocols, Defense Coordination and Offensive Coordination are good team boosts so I always take those. They also benefit hangar pets on builds that have those. Improved Tactical Readiness is essential for reducing tactical cooldowns along with the rest of the cooldown scheme.
There are two crucial unlocks: battery expertise (improves duration of consumable batteries) and threat control which either increases or decreases threat based on threatening stance.
Temporal Operative is useful for Entropic Rider and Atrophied Defenses as well as Phasic Artillery and Continuity. The passive EPG is nice as well for feeding Subspatial Warheads. Intel is an option and I use that on my Kinetic Scimitar, but I like the safety in Temporal as well as the lessened piloting need since flanking is not a consideration with Temporal.
Starship Weapons
Only a Pilot ship with the Eagle's console can effectively fire five torpedoes so I didn't do that here.
Pahvan Omni even on a torp boat does significant damage even on a torpboat.
I tried using Maelstrom torpedoes on it, but they require some unique keybinding and I wasn't impressed with the results for a weapon that fires so little. If you're even higher DPS than this, doing a strategy where an ISE is completed in under 60 seconds, that might be more valuable, but for general use, I wasn't impressed.
Starship Equipment
The Adapted M.A.C.O set is underrated by many torpedo drivers, but if you don't need/want the Competitive Engines, then it's a solid option. If the Competitive (Prevailing) engines are desired, then I would use the Tilly Shield (Discovery Legends reputation), possibly adding the warp core from that set as well.
Starship Consoles
Set Bonuses
For beams or cannons, energy type and subtype doesn't matter all that much and an astounding number of keystrokes have been spent asking whether Phaser or Disruptor is better, should I fill up with Spiral Wave Disruptors or Sensor-Linked, etc. when difference between them until one starts hard-core chasing numbers is minimal. That is NOT the case with torpedoes, where I will say that conservatively there's about a dozen usable types of torpedoes for high-level play and the rest of them are basically trash. This is where the torps-are-weak crusaders have a point--the average torp is not strong, and 3 whole subtypes are basically not worth slotting (Transphasic, Chroniton, and Tricobalt). This is my personal list of strong/decent torpedoes. If it's not on this list, I personally wouldn't slot it (though I may have missed one)
Photons: Gravimetric (especially with Sci Builds!), Enhanced Bio-Molecular, Adv. Piezo Photon, Terran Task Force
Quantums: Neutronic, Quantum Phase, Delphic Distortion, Dark Matter, Advanced Radiant
Plasma: Particle Emission Plasma (especially with Sci Builds), Romulan Hyper-Plasma (Plasma torp builds only), Omega (Plasma torp builds only), Altamid (Plasma energy builds only), Nanopulse (Plasma torp builds only)
Energy: Morphogenic Polaron, Adv. Diffusive Tetryon (Tetryon builds only with set), Nausicaan Energy (Disruptor builds only with set), Agony Phaser (Phaser builds only)
Other: Temporal Disruption Device (weird Tricobalt/Chroniton hybrid that's somehow good)
Consoles: While it pains me to give up a healing console, the Tachyon Net Drones from the Bozeman are REALLY good and there's an argument to be made for slapping them onto pretty much any kind of build. Support, tank, energy, projectile, maybe even exotic. It's hard to pick apart the active in the parser but if you tally up all the pieces, it hits really hard and also takes enemy shields offline.
Budget Tweaks:
If Imperial Rift warp core is unavailable, use the Discovery one instead. Potentially take Discovery Shield and Romulan Engines instead
Drop VAQ Launcher (T6X2 upgrade)
Drop Micro-Quantum Torpedo Launcher (T6X Upgrade)
Agony Redistributor -> Ordnance Accelerator
Delphic Torpedo -> Quantum Phase
Pahvan Omni -> Advanced Inhibiting Omni
Phased Space Membrane -> Deconstructive Resonance Emitter (should be cheap-ish)
Tachyon Net Drones -> Temporal Disentanglement Suite
Subspace Fracture Tunneling Field -> Assimilated Module
Bridge Officers
Meta Notes
This ship avoids using A2B so that it can take advantage of the Phased Space Membrane, whose duration expires when aux goes down.
Torpedo High Yield III has a lot more damage potential than Torpedo Spread III if you have Subspatial Warheads. If you don't have that trait, might be better to stick with Spread III, but note that the FAW for ETM will conflict with the FAW from TS and puts them on cooldown.
Personal Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
If going full glass-cannon with unlimited budget
Whole Lotta X's -> Terran Targeting Systems
Give Your All -> Adaptive Offense
Budget Tweaks:
Try and keep the ones at the bottom, but the default traits are not very good for torpedoes at all.
Drop Boimler Effect (Elite Captain)
Whole Lotta X's -> Redirected Armor Plating
Context Is For Kings -> Operative
Breen Shield Tunneling -> Innocuous
Resonating Payload Modification -> Astrophysicist
A Good Day to Die -> Elusive
Intelligence Agent Attache -> Particle Manipulator (super strong on scitorp builds, pretty weak here)
Starship Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
These are pretty well close-to-meta traits at this price point. If your budget is unlimited, replace Strike From Shadows with Terran Goodbye at the high end.
Budget Tweaks:
Try and keep the ones at the bottom. Torpers really need Entwined Tactical Matrices to function
Drop Universal Designs (T6X2)
Drop Subspatial Warheads (T6X)
Rapid Emitting Armaments -> Angle on the Bow if available, Improved Command Frequency if not
Superior Area Denial -> Promise of Ferocity if available, Unconventional Tactics if not
Strike From Shadows -> Onboard Dilithium Recrystallizer
Ceaseless Momentum -> This one is very hard to give up, but if it's truly out of your budget, you don't have a lot of good options. Improved Critical Systems would be okay; so would Programmable Matter Enhancements.
Reputation Traits
Active Reputation
Duty Officers
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
The Space Warfare Specialist helps defensively mitigate the low amount of heals and lack of Hazard Emitters
Budget Tweaks:
Other options include Gravimetric Scientist for aftershock Gravity Wells or the Maintenance Engineer from the Phoenix Box that gives additional bonuses to batteries
This ship uses Photonic Officer with the Boimler Effect as its primary cooldown mechanism. As evidenced from the chart above, without Boimler Effect triggering, this build will not have most of its powers on global cooldown. Thankfully, with a high number of short rotation powers (10 over a 15-20 second rotation), there's an 91% chance or higher of at least 1 activation of the trait during a rotation.
Ship Stats
With as many abilities and synergizing concepts as this ship employs, an efficient control scheme is essential. There are many ways to set up such a ship, so I don't pretend to assume that my way is superior. It works for me, especially with my background in RTS and MOBA games, where pushing many different keys quickly is essential. Torpedo ships, especially fast ones with the Covert Warhead Module, are hard to fly. Make it easy on yourself.
[Spacebar] is my spambar. It has Tactical Initiative, Kobayashi Maru Transponder, VAQ Launcher, Vulnerability Assessment Sweep, Torpedo High Yield, Go Down Fighting, Attack Pattern Alpha, Dispersal Pattern Beta, Heisenberg Amplifier, Type 7 Shuttle launch, mine launch, Against All Odds, Emergency Power to Engines, FAW, Auxiliary to Structural, Cannon Scatter Volley, Kemocite-Laced Weaponry, and Photonic Officer.
[5] is a special keybind specifically for the Subspace Fracture Tunneling Field off of the Vovin. The specific key sequence I use has that console on a tray by itself, wrapped in a command to deselect the target, as I generally don't want to use the teleport, as it's very disorienting, especially on HSE. Thus, the row for that in the keybind file is "+TrayExecByTray 4 1 $$ target_clear". If I want to use the teleport, I just hit it manually.
I also bind "Fire all weapons" to right mouse.
Everything else is manually triggered. There is a school of thought that says you should manually fire your torpedoes, but I have had too many issues with them misfiring when they were not set to autofire. There is likewise a school of thought that says to put your torps on autofire and then don't try to shoot them again, but sometimes the games get stuck with all the inputs coming in, so I found it helpful to put them on the spambar as well. I leave the Kinetic Amplifiers off the keybinds so I can use the Large Aux Batteries and Phased Space Membrane at the right time.
This one is not this ship, but covers general piloting tips for this build type on ISE
ISE Piloting Tips
I start off pre-buffing my spambar prior to countdown (in PUGs) or prior to launch call (premade). You'll want to use Form Up about 10 seconds before the count down ends and Emergency Power to Engines typically around 5 seconds out. The first group I hit with Grav Well (GW), and a full rotation of torpedoes. On ISA, I don't bother using Concentrate Firepower here but I might use Tachyon Net Drones to offline the center cube's shields.
Next, I hit Evasive Maneuvers and fly to the left side, activating my big buffs. I shoot the nearest generator on the way in and try to line up so the 2 far-side generators are hit by torpedo spreads and Fire at Will. I also usually activate my Hur'q Beacon here. I then lock onto the transformer with Concentrate Firepower, and Tractor Beam and destroy it; Tac ult active help a lot. Make sure that the assimilator goes down before leaving. I have enough damage that I can kill it through 1-2 generators still being alive. As the generator is about to die, I turn and leave, shooting probes and spheres along the way. I don't bother killing them all, as they'll be back during the gateway fight.
Activate Evasive Maneuvers and fly to the right side, rinse and repeat with as with the left. I try to save my big active heals for this part if I am pugging because pug teams don't always fly over to right generator quickly. On a premade, this is not an issue. As it's dying, I turn back on the gateway. Activate Quantum Singularity Manipulation and FIRE EVERYTHING! This is where Agony Redistributor gets used. A second Gravity Well should be available here. Of note, closing to 5 km and dropping the Anti-time bubble is quite good with the boost from Quantum Singularity Manipulation. With any luck, the 300 CtrlX Grav Well will also suck in the remaining spheres for tons of damage. Concentrate Firepower and Tractor Beam on the gateway helps bring it down quickly, then it's rinse and repeat on the cube. Concentrate Firepower and Tractor Beam again on the Tac Cube with Tachyon Net Drones when it's available. If another reinforcements calldown is available, use it here.
Parse Breakdown
Numbers from Record ISE
Delphic Distortion Torpedo: 146,515
Neutronic Torpedo: 121,995
Pahvan Proton Beam Array: 98,091
Advanced Precision Guided Munitions: 82,396
Rapid-Emitting Armaments: 72,186
Concentrate Firepower III: 69,263
Subspatial Warheads: 66,493
Call Emergency Artillery III: 64,435
Dark Matter Laced Quantum Torpedo: 60,608
Micro-Quantum Torpedoes Phalanx Array: 59,791
Recursive Shearing I: 35,080
Omega Kinetic Shearing: 34,933
Agony Redistributor: 34,861
VAQ Launcher: 27,656
Varuvian Explosives: 24,094
Digital Compilation Field: 22,897
Entropic Rider: 17,964
Thoron Infused Quantum Mines: 17,718
Elite Type 7 Shuttlecraft: 17,507
Tachyon Net Drones: 17,386
Phaser Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank: 17,095
Kemocite: 16,273
Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity: 15,143
Phaser Wide Angle Dual Beam Bank - Fire at Will: 14,273
Blackout Mines: 13,653
Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo: 12,188
Nimbus Pirate Distress Call: 5,727
Distributed Targeting: 4,330
Refracting Tetryon Cascade: 2,444
Tractor Beam I: 2,234
Bio-Molecular Incubation: 1,441
Counter-Offensive: 372
The team composition for this run was this ship, 2 supports, and a support tank.
I'll provide the survivability breakdown for this ship on my solo, deathless ISA soon as an indication of how this ship stays alive in heals-per-second (HPS):
The Garrett is fairly unique as one of only a few ships with at least LtCmdr Temporal and Cmdr Command and has 5 fore weapons. That said, you could do this on the Dauntless II, dropping the Wide Angle Heavy Dual Beam Bank. I'd also drop Kemocite to pick up at least 1 Secondary Deflector Trigger in the form of Structural Analysis.