
Guest Houses are open again!

For the health and safety of all, bookings will only be accepted from those who have had three (or more) Covid-19 vaccinations and are willing to show their vaccination certificate.

All guests need to be entirely self-catering.

To make a booking please email. (See 'contact us' page).

Let all guests be received as Christ . . ."

Rule of St Benedict

Guests have an important role in the life of a monastery and give an extra depth to our life. Bringing with them the society from which they come, guests orientate us to the world which surrounds us and for which we intercede. Through guests we receive Christ into our midst - not a rarefied, pedestalled Christ, but the real, incarnate Christ who shares the life of all humanity.

The monastery seeks to be a place for all people where they can come for refreshment, prayer and recovery of hope. A place where even just for a time, they can lay down the burdens which oppress, or through the silence and stillness, the worship and space, find anew within them the joy and praise of being a child of God. Joining in the worship of the God whom we all seek, we stand before our Creator and redeemer, as the body of Christ.

Sacred Space

St Joseph’s and Subiaco are the two Guest Houses. Both provide attractive and comfortable accommodation for those wishing to make a retreat and share in the silence and prayer of the Abbey. The houses are set in the midst of spacious gardens with breathtaking views of lake Bullen Merri. Click for more detail on Accommodation

All guests are asked to be fully self-catering at this time.

Groups are welcome to book both buildings, giving a total of 7 bedrooms, 10/11 beds. Groups need to be fully self-catering. Please ask for details. Email preferred in first instance.

Quiet Days

Guests are very welcome to come for a day (or part of a day) for quiet and reflection. Day guests may join the community for the Eucharist and Office, use the Guest House facilities and enjoy the spacious grounds. Day Guests bring their own lunch, (tea & coffee available). A donation to cover costs is requested.

Parish Groups

Groups and their leaders are welcome for days of reflection for example in Lent or Advent. Or, parishioners may wish to come to the abbey for a day pilgrimage. Visiting groups can share the Eucharist, have a time of reflection and enjoy the silence and space of the abbey. They can learn about the life and work of the monks and nuns. Youth groups are particularly encouraged to make a visit.


Casual visitors who may wish to call in are very welcome. Visitors may spend time in church, attend an Office, browse in the shop or enjoy the gardens. Please ring the doorbell and make yourself known to us!