Contacts & Links

Concerning anything on this site: monastic life in the Anglican Church in Australia; a vocation to monastic life; a prayer request; to enquire about staying at or visiting the Abbey; to buy something from the shop; enroll your parish for Mass Reading sheets; order incense, or anything else, please contact us. We will attempt to answer all genuine queries and confidences will be respected.

The Abbey is situated at: 280 Camperdown-Cobden Road, Camperdown, Victoria, Australia.

Postal Address: 280 Camperdown- Cobden Road, Camperdown, Victoria 3260. (NB. No longer PO Box 111).

The Telephone number is: +61 (0)3 5593 2348

The best times for telephone contact is between 9:30am - 11:30am and 2:30pm - 4:30pm.

To email click here. Correspondence by email or letter is preferable.