Visak'a & Pangeare
1. Visak'a Space Station (SES Visak'a)
In 2417, during the Terraforming expedition of RUP666*, the SES S'Task found a civilization living in the planet's surface. After a couple of encounters, S'Task's crew found out that those people were the descendents of the crew of the ship Visak'a - one of the ships of 'The Sundering' (The Vulcan Exodus that origianted the RSE formation).
Pangeare, the planet once called RUP 666, is surounded by an "ion shroud" which prevents both transport operation and ships from crossing it. So, every time the Romulans had to send a ship up or down they had to shot a modified torpedo on the planet releasing 1200 Golem of energy. Soon it became clear that they would need to find a pathway to the planet that didn't involve shoting the planet with the same intensity of energy generated by a full D'Deridex Warship.
That's when the Romulans decided to build two stations: one in orbit (Visak'a) and one on the planet so the pulse of energy on the spacestation could be dissipated in the other ground station avoiding the destruction of the planet.
The SpaceStation was named after Visak'a (which means "Legacy" in Ancient Vulcan) that was the name of the ship crashed in the planet.
After three years of work, Visak'a was finally inaugutared on January of 2420.
NOTE: * RUP: Romulan Uncharted/Unihabitated Planet // ** RSS: Romulan Spacestation
Visak'a Space Station - Romulan Star Empire
[Image Source:]
The station has three large disruptors,being one on each arms of the station. Each disruptor would fire at a single spot in the atmosphere (Geound Station) to open the 'Hole' in the Atmopshere. The ground station would receive one 'Single' (Combined) disruptor energy beam.
2. Visak'a Ground Station (SES Ehhae)
VIsak'a Ground Station, which is nicknamed EHHAE (bright/light/shinny), is a planet based station created to receive the pulse of energy from the Visak's spacestation and store the energy so they could open a passage way back to the station when the times comes. The energy that is no stored is dissipated to avoid the destruction of the planet.
One of the things that has been discussed with the clans is their interest in energy that is being dissipated.
Would they have interested the energy (whether to ignore, use, or exploit)?! Yeah, this is still up to them to decide.
3. Pangeare - The Home of the Ancestors
Planet's Data
Diameter: 12.321 km
Day Lengh: 26h
Gravity: 1,2 g
Star System: Bynary
- Sakonna (The one that extrapolates) - the largest sun
- Ych’a (Secret Star) - the smallest sun
Populational Data
Population: 1,2 million
Cities-State: 12
Major City-State: Visak'a (Legacy)
Satellites/Moons: 3
- Ko-kan (Girl/Maiden)
- M'aih (Mother)
- Tela'at (Elder)
Pangeare is not a unified civilization. In fact, although the cities-states share the language, customs and some laws, there might be some differences from city to city.
Each city-state is ruled by an Elder. When the time comes to decide upon the future of Pangeare, a Council of the Elders, composed by one Elder of each city-state, must be summoned.
Due to their long isolation, the Pangeareans decided to keep their minds busy thru the cultive of beauty and virtue by developing the art of music, painting, architecture, sculpture, and so on. This way, they believed that citizens would be able to contribute to the common good.
Each city-state had its own social organization. Some admitt slavery, for debt or war. Others, the other hand, had few slaves, but they owned the state servants, who belonged to the local government.
All cities had an oligarchy that govern them which they also owns/controls the land.
Only those that are born in the city are considered citizen. Therefore, foreigners (k'isu - a variation of Vulcan word "k'shatrisu") could not participate in the political decisions of the city.
The cities economy was based on artisanal products, agriculture, commerce and breeding of small animals. Depending on the price some tech can be exchanged.
Odd as it may sound, the ancestors still go through Ponn Farr. As a side-effect, marriage challenges between city-states are a common type of conflict.
Ponn Far does not affect only males, but also females which results in attempts to "steal" mates (both male and female) by ritual combat. So visitors to a city-state are not unheard of, as they scout out potential mates.
Two of the most ancient cities are enemies due to an ancient dispute of mates between their rulers.
Unlike Matriarch Romulans, their Oligarchs can be male or female whcih results in City-States having mixed sex oligarch control.
So, City-State birth is more important than the person's sex.
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SES VISAK'A - PBeM since 2018.