Katara i'Terix T'Tal

Katara i'Terix T'Tal - Rank: Eredh [C2, 2nd Year Cadet]

Race: Rihannsu, female

Physical Appearance:

Pale from lack of sunlight (has spent almost her entire life in space and yet still gets 'space sick' in shuttles). Dark eyes, long, wavey purple hair, natural colour black, died violet. 


Katara was born and raised on the Science vessel SES Terix.

Katara and her sister were coddled and a little spoilt by their parents. Almost anything the children wanted, they got. Their mother was over-protective, Katara grew up to be quite sensitive as she was used to being fussed over. It was a shock to the girl when her father insisted she enlist on her D'Talla Tour the month she turned 18.

Duty Station Record

2419.01 - Started D'Talla Tour 

2419.03 - Assigned Slavemistress of SES S'Task [E1]

2419.11 - Transferred to medical aboard SES S'Task as Ward Clerk

2420.01- Promoted to khre'Uhlan [E2] and awarded the Sotarek Citation for performing above her duties and achieving a victory over enemy (superior) forces

2420.03 - Attended Religion, Culture and Survival Training Conference and awarded campaign ribbon.

2423.06.31 - Promoted to Decurion [E3]

Romantic Interest

Non-romantic Bonds

Birthdate: 2400.12.23

Sexuality: Pan sexual

Physical Traits: 



Started: 2419.01 .01 

Ended: 2423.12.31

Gallae Academy (Medical School)

1st Year: 2424 (Jan-Dec)

2nd Year: 2425 (Jan-Dec)